Weather Report 9/14/18

Ron Chalfant

Friday 09-14
Forecast for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains.

Good Morning.
We will continue to have nice Fallish weather through the next several days. High pressure to our Southeast, and a Trough of Low pressure to our West. We will be sandwiched in the middle of the two. The only change will be subtle as the temperatures will vary by a few degrees while the two pressure areas play tug or war with each other. 

Clear skies will prevail along with afternoon winds becoming gusty at times. The Hurricane along the Carolinas is very slowly moving onshore this morning bringing lots of rain and wind to that region. Florence was at a CAT 1 this morning. Keep the people of the East Coast in your thoughts. 

Video updates on Florence will be posted on the website,
Have a good day! RC

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-78-55*, Twin Peaks-74/59*, Lake Arrowhead-76/61*, Running Springs-72/58*, Big Bear-73/37*, San Bernardino-95/60*.
Average local temps for today are: 77/51*. MIN-33*(1970) MAX-91*-(1948)
Forecast Temperatures for the next three days:

Crestline,Twin Peaks, Arrowhead: Fri-75-82*/58-64*,Sat-74-80*/56-62*, Sun-74-79*/52-58*.

Big Bear,GVL,Running Springs: Fri-74-79*/42-52*, Sat-72-78*/43-53*, Sun-73-77*/42-52*.

San Bernardino: Fri-92-96*/58-64*,Sat-90-95*/58-64*,Sun-90-95*/55-62*..

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On another note, there is a new source for local news that can be found at,