Moonridge Drive Closed as Officials Manage Traffic Accident Scene

At 1:44 p.m. on Wednesday, San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Deputies from the Big Bear station along with Big Bear Fire Authority responded to reports of an accident on Moonridge Road near Elm Street.

Four units from the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s were on scene with a fifth directing traffic. Medic Engine 281 and Medic Ambulance 282 were on scene as well. Deputies were enforcing a hard closure and turning vehicles around on Moonridge Road.

A red Subaru sustained heavy damage after center punching a utility pole which caused the pole to break and fall into the roadway. Additionally, wires were down across the entire roadway. A silver minivan appeared to have stopped just before tangling with the wires. It did not appear to be involved in the traffic collision.

Medics from the Big Bear Fire Authority attended to one patient at the scene. He was transported by ambulance to a local area hospital. The exact nature and extent of his injuries are unknown at this time.

Approximately 20 minutes after the call was originally dispatched, Bear Valley Electric Crews arrived on scene to assess the situation and begin planning the necessary repairs.

Big Bear Sheriff Deputies at the scene are conducting an investigation into the exact cause of this accident.

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