Local Boy Scouts Helping the Community in Need

Rain or shine the Boy Scouts are out in force across the Rim Communities today, Saturday, October 13, 2018.

Their purpose, is of course, in service to the people of our area. Troop 89 is stationed at Goodwin’s in Crestline, Troop 55 is holding it down at Jensen’s in Blue Jay, and Troop 251 is standing tall at Stater Brothers in Lake Arrowhead. The mission is to collect non perishable goods for donation to Operation Provider, a long standing and committed local charity.

The boys are asking specifically for Thanksgiving staples; stuffing, gravy, dry mashed potatoes, and yams. However, Operation Provider is a year round food pantry and resource center for families in need. All kinds of food and donations are accepted and appreciated.

The troops will be at their posts all day today and will then be delivering your generous offerings this evening.