Kdog’s Daily Report, 04/19/19

Good Friday is upon us… I know, pretty much every Friday is good, but this one is even called Good Friday.

Okay, roads: I’ll be frank here, and confess that I have not actually driven the roads today. I’m still in my damn jammies, ‘cause the people in the office who tell me what to do told me that I did not have to put on clothes and go to said office today. So, I didn’t… and thus have not driven anywhere yet, either.

However… were I a betting man (come to think of it… I am one), I’d wager that the roads are dry… fogless… ice-free… and that hazards are far and few between. Wait… few between and far? Nope, that doesn’t sound right either. Whatever. I just don’t see that it’s likely that there’d be much for me to report, other than a few curves in the road, maybe some potholes, the left-lane/rolling roadblock dimbos, and MAYBE some Easter weekend tourist traffic… but even that last possible thing will probably be more than mitigated by the lack of traffic from schoolkids and employees who’ve got the day off… and are still sitting home in their damn jammies, maybe even writing drivel to post on community forums (but which should eventually be compiled into a best-selling book, perhaps called, “Kdog’s Crestline Chronicles”).

So, Police in Laguna Beach recently had a new graphics package put onto their patrol vehicles… among the design features is the word, “POLICE” with stars and stripes as the coloration for the letters.

Well… this got some people angry. You see, some felt that because the first three letters were mostly stars, and the second three letters were stripes, that this was a secret signal that the police supported that agency that illegals love to hate: ICE! And, others were offended, simply because it was a representation of the American flag, which some find offensive in and of itself… oh, by the way, we’ve fostered this anti-patriotic whimpering for years, by telling people that it’s just fine to feel this way… about the very country that they live in.

Fortunately, in spite of the media’s valiant attempt to make it LOOK like there were a lot of good people opposed to the graphic design, it turns out that it was only a small percentage of people… and they are not good people anyhow, so there’s that. It’s sort of like how there are groups vehemently opposed to police, because they feel like the police focus all of their attention on THEM… groups like say, “criminals.” Agreed… police DO tend to focus on you! However, this does not mean that DECENT people have any obligation to cower to your demands and eliminate police. As for the “controversial” graphics: this time, common sense prevailed and the red, white and blue will continue to adorn police cars in Laguna Beach… despite the whining of ninnies, communists, illegal invaders, criminals, and general trolls. Besides… all of THOSE people always have the option of moving somewhere else. I suggest they do, so they can be happier… somewhere else. ANY where else. Please. If THESE colors are offensive to you, then please, please run away to any other place. I am proud of my country, my flag, and my police. I’m even proud of ICE, in their effort to keep America filled with Americans and ONLY Americans.

I saw a headline that read, “The Royal Baby: Everything You Need to Know:” Lucky for me, I already KNOW everything—EVERYTHING—that I need to know about the royal baby. I’ll even share all of the information with you…. Here’s the list.

April 19 (that’s today) marks 24 years since the Oklahoma City Bombing of the federal building there.
When it first happened, police were looking for the bomber. They were looking for a white guy, sorta skinny, around six feet tall. He had a tattoo on his left arm, and had recently rented a Ryder truck from a small little place (similar to our own mountain’s U-Haul rental at “Magic 7/Johnnie’s Market”) in Junction City, Kansas. Every single one of those criteria fit me to a “T.” At the time, I even considered going to the police in order to eliminate myself as a suspect, but before I could do so, the actual bomber was captured (albeit sort of accidentally in an unrelated traffic stop). After that, I learned of even more parallels between he and I: We had actually lived in adjoining barracks buildings on an Army post in Kansas. I was in the 1/16 Infantry, he was in the 2/16 Infantry. We shared a mess hall, and training facilities. Even on time off, I learned that a remote location a few miles from the barracks, near an obscure bridge, was the place that the bomber had tested his explosives in preparation for his deadly act. This location was a place that I had “discovered” as a great place to escape from everything. You know, because it was quiet, lonely and remote. I had gone there often.

However, I never met the guy, never even knew of him at all, until he became a mass murderer… one whose description was randomly but eerily similar to mine.

Anyhow, while those are interesting, trivial things, at least to me, this day, officially known as National Oklahoma City Bombing Commemoration day, is a time to remember those who died on that terrible day, all because of the ideologies of some extremists.

Enjoy this good Good Friday and the rest of your weekend. Oh, and if you DO see any hazards as you commute today, please let me know, so I can edit this report, and make it look like I’m NOT still at home, sitting around in my jamn dammies.