July 17, 2020 COVID-19 UPDATES
Gov. Gavin Newsom today announced a new policy affecting all K-12 schools in those counties on the State’s Monitoring List, which currently includes San Bernardino County. The new policy mandates that schools limit instruction to distance learning until the County is removed from the Monitoring List for 14 days at which point, they may resume in-person instruction with specific guidelines and limitations.

And while we’d all enjoy getting together with friends and extended family members, these types of gatherings are still prohibited under the State’s stay-at-home order, and public health officials are strenuously warning against violating that order, pointing out that private gatherings have been clearly linked to recent COVID-19 outbreaks.

All personal care services must CLOSE immediately, salons, nail salons, spas, and barbershops. Restaurants indoor dining must close, outdoor dining, delivery and pickup are available.
Here is a current list of OPEN businesses and recreational activities:
Banks, Campgrounds, Child Care, Convenience Stores, Restaurants – Food Trucks (ONLY outdoor dining and take out), Essential state and local government functions (law enforcement and offices that provide government programs and services), Healthcare Services, Libraries, Lodging, Public Pools, Religious Services (outdoor and online services), Retail establishments.

For more detailed information click here