Motorcycle Accident on 18 Sends Rider to the Hospital, Temporarily Closes Highway

Just before 8pm, a 911 caller reported that a motorcycle and passenger vehicle had been involved in an accident. The location given was Highway 18 near Rim of the World Drive. A duplicate call came in to the CHP reporting that the accident was at Mile Marker 12 on Highway 18. Finally Medic Engine 227 dispatched from San Bernardino found the accident scene and advised CHP. Due to the discrepancy in the initial reported location, units had checked from Highway 138 to Mile Marker 11.9, then continued southbound to the accident.

Upon arriving on scene, CHP blocked the southbound 18, number one lane where Medic Ambulance 25 had posted up against the guardrail. The rider was carried across northbound lanes and taken by the ambulance to a local area hospital. Once the ambulance left, the southbound lane was opened, but the up bound lanes had been blocked the entire time. This caused a significant traffic backup.

The exact cause of the accident is still under investigation and the extent of the rider’s injuries are unknown at this time. The rider was conscious, alert and talking as he went into the ambulance. San Bernardino Police took over the scene and the roadway was clear approximately 90 minutes later.

Live broadcast from the scene: