Who Needs a Massage?

This article brought to you by Sky Forest Inn Event and Retreat Center and Rim Chiropractic

Article by Billie Bueler

You may be like most people, and think that a massage is a luxury… something only those with money to burn ever think of doing. If this is you, I have news! You’d be wrong!

 A massage can relieve sore muscles, ease chronic pain, and help you relax. But did you know a massage can also boost your immune system, improve your ability to concentrate, and increase your flexibility? It can also improve your digestion, help clear your skin, and reduce or eliminate foot pain. Even improve your ability to rid the body of toxins by getting that lymphatic system moving! The health benefits of a massage are pretty impressive! A massage can literally be just what the doctor ordered! And plenty do!

 Massage therapists study the human body and the good ones leave no stone unturned when it comes to optimizing your body’s expression! Starting with a peaceful environment, a comfy massage table, lowered lighting, and soothing music, and ending with relaxed muscles, skin that’s been rubbed with various lotions and oils and your cares nowhere to be found! The experience of massage is all of that!

 If you find yourself having difficulty sleeping, particularly sore after your walks around the lake, or suffering from too much stress and anxiety, do your body a huge favor. Get yourself a massage! You will be surprised at just how much better life looks once you drop off some of that soreness and those worries.

 Book yourself a massage, and while you’re at, book one for a friend! They make a fabulous gift!