Weather Report – 9/4/19

This report brought to you by Prime Properties, The Real Estate Place

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Good Morning.
Trends: Continued warm through Friday with a chance for T-Storms during the afternoons especially Thursday.
..Yesterday Big Bear had a few Thunderstorms move through around 1pm with rain amounts ~.37″. Today the storms activity should be less around the area with a 25% chance for a Storm in the Big Bear area, and really not much further West toward Crestline and Lake Arrowhead then maybe Running Springs or Green Valley Lake.
..We will have Towering Cumulus clouds this afternoon to the East but mainly just more very warm weather today. However, always be aware of rapidly changing weather conditions as things can change quickly with a small change in winds. This is how it looks this morning.
..For Thursday, as it looks now, we will have increasing chances for widespread Thunderstorms throughout the day. Thursday will be our best chance for scattered rain showers across the whole area. Daytime temperatures will be a little cooler due to increased cloud cover along with gusty winds in areas affected by Thunderstorms. Also on Thursday, there will be a chance for Flash Flooding in and around any Thunderstorms that do develop so be aware of your surroundings especially if you are in the backcountry around Deep Creek, Mount San Jacinto, Big Bear, etc. Thursday should mark the end of the Monsoonal flow at least for now.
..Friday a Trough of Low pressure will begin to affect West Coast of California. As the Trough moves Inland late Friday and Saturday in the PAC-NW, the winds locally will become onshore and a cooling trend will begin. Friday and Saturday will be cooler with the return of a Marine layer along with morning Fog that will probably make it into the IE.
..Then for late Sunday and Monday, another stronger Trough will move onshore in the PAC-NW. This will further add to the cooling trend.
..Currently, Hurricane Juliette in the East Pacific is forecast to continue to head West into open waters. Dorian is expected to continue just offshore and head North and East paralleling the Eastern Seaboard. As for the Bahamas, They will need a lot of help. Hopefully help will get in there asap! *RC
..Each night or as available, I will post Levi Cohen’s, of Tropical Tidbits, latest YouTube video forecast on Dorian at the bottom of the main page of the website. That’s it for know. Thank you for joining me at *RC

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-86/61*, Twin Peaks-79/67*, Lk Arrowhead-87/67*, Running Springs-79/65*, Big Bear-77/48*-.37″, GVL-81/55*, San Berdo-104/71*, Wtrmn Cyn-89/66*.