Weather Report 8/31/18

Ron Chalfant

Today’s Forecast for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains.
Good Morning.
The weather pattern across SoCal will continue to be the same as it has been with only minor variations. We will have Clear skies with a few high clouds along with variable winds, mostly from the South West, becoming Northerly during the afternoon hours. Gusty winds will be likely from 5-15mph during the afternoon. High pressure to our South West, and a weak Trough to our North, will help to keep us in a mostly Zonal flow through early next week. Temperatures will also remain about the same with only minor differences. To our south, Hurricane Norman at a CAT4 this morning will continue to head out toward the Central Eastern Pacific with no effect on any land mass. Another Tropical disturbance will continue to develop most likely into another Hurricane in the next couple of days. The forecast track for this one will take it out to sea as well. As we close out August and head into September, we also head into the peak of Fire Season. So as always here in the Mountains, be sure to be Fire Safe at all times. One spark can turn into a nightmare. Please be careful.
Today’s FIRE DANGER level remains VERY HIGH. Have a good day! RC

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-83-67, Twin Peaks-81/62*, Lake Arrowhead-81/64*, Running Springs-81/59*, Big Bear-78/47*, San Bernardino-96/61*.
Average local temps for today are: 54*-80* -MIN-37*(1957) MAX-94*-(1950)
Forecast Temperatures for the next three days:

Crestline/Lk-Arrowhead/Twin-Pks: Fri-77-83*/60-67, Sat-77-82*/62-67*,Sun-75-80*/58-64*.

Big Bear,GVL,Running Springs:Fri-75-80**/45-55*, Sat-73-78*/45-58*, Sun-74-78*/45-55*.

San Bernardino: Fri-93-97*/62-67*, Sat-93-97*/60-65*,Sun-90-95*/59-65*..

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On another note, there is a new source for local news that can be found at,