Weather Report 8/26/18

Ron Chalfant

Forecast for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains.
Good Morning.
It’s feeling a lot like Fall, outside this morning. Not much change in the weeks forecast from what we have today. Temperatures will continue to be very mild almost cool considering what we have had from the last couple of months. Daytime highs will be in the upper 70s to maybe 80*, with overnight lows in the upper 50s to low 60s, except the higher elevations where overnight lows will fall into the 40s! Nice! Across SoCal, the weather pattern will remain stagnant as High pressure to our South East remains in place and Low pressure to the North West does the same. Here we will be in a nice South West flow pattern through the week. Low clouds will move Inland during the early morning hours leaving hazy skies for the Valleys during the afternoon hours. This morning fog has moved into the IE up against the bottom of the mountain to the 1500′ level.This will clear out quick as the day warms up. Upper level pressure will rise around Wednesday which will bring in slightly warmer temperatures to the area. Then cool for the weekend as August gives way to September. September will bring some weather changes to the area with cooler weather and better chances for precipitation. Also increased Fire Danger as troughs typically pass to the North and the Santa Ana winds follow.

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-80-62*, Twin Peaks-79/59*, Lake Arrowhead-78/60*, Running Springs-78/57*, Big Bear-77/44*, San Bernardino-91/62*.
Average local temps for today are: 54*-80* – MAX-95*(1979)-MIN-44*(1973)
Forecast Temperatures for the next three days:

Crestline/Lk-Arrowhead/Twin-Pks: Sun-74-80*/58-64*, Mon-74-78/55-63*,Tues-74-79*/60-65*

Big Bear,GVL,Running Springs: Sun-73-78*/45-52*, Mon-73-78*/44-50*,Tues-73-77*/44-53*

San Bernardino: Sun-90-95*/60-65*, Mon-90-94*/59-65*,Tues-90-95*/60-65*..

Thank you for joining me @, or on Facebook @ Lake Gregory Weather Group, Rim Weather, or, San Bernardino Mountains.
On another note, there is a new source for local news that can be found at,

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