Weather Report – 8/23/19

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Good Morning.
Forecast Trends: Nice today, warmer through Monday.
..Today temperatures will be about like yesterday’s with highs from the upper 70s to low 80s.
..Late this afternoon we may see an influx of high clouds to make photo opps at Sunset. There is some Monsoon type Moisture intruding into the far Southern Deserts this morning in the Imperial Valley, and along the Lower Colorado River. But this will stay far to our Southeast for now.
..For Saturday through Monday, temperatures will warm a few degrees as High pressure now over the pacific, moves East, and eventually sets up over the Arizona and New Mexico region by Friday. This area of High pressure will peak over the West by Monday at 594dm then weaken slightly to around 591dm Tuesday through Friday.
..Tropical Storm IVO will continue it’s path heading North along the West Coast of Baja for the next few days. By as soon as tomorrow, we could see upper level clouds moving into the SoCal region from IVO. At this time, it doesn’t look like we will see anything more than high clouds and an increase in humidity, locally, from IVO.
..Looking further into the forecast crystal ball, late next week, it looks like another Trough will move through the PAC-NW. This appears to be a much deeper Trough then this last one and will bring much cooler temperatures to the area for Labor Day and beyond. Also, there is a chance that a cut off Low will form over SoCal so we could see some interesting weather over the next ten days. *RC
..As we head into the latter part of Summer and the Fall Season, the local Forest vegetation is drying out. Fuel moistures are below average now, and the Fire Danger levels are on the rise. Be sure to check Fire Regulations before camping to make sure of current Fire Regulations. Also I will be posting the Fire Danger levels on the WX Alerts page for a more in depth look at the local fire weather..(Website).
..Thank you for joining me @

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-83/62*, Twin Peaks-78/55*, Lk Arrowhead-82/60*, Running Springs-80/62*, Big Bear-82/40*, GVL-77/63*, San Berdo-101/58*, Wtrmn Cyn-88/55*.