Weather Report 8/19/18

Ron Chalfant,

Forecast for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains.
Good Morning.
Last night a quick response by our local firefighters to a Brush Fire on HWY 330 kept what could have been a large wildfire to a small area. Thank you!
Also thank you to Ray @ for the live coverage and keeping us all informed.
Today will be another nice day for the mountains with warm temperatures and light winds. Coastal fog will blanket the coastline and some Inland areas with clearing by mid morning there.
High pressure over SoCal will move East today as a trough of Low pressure slides through to our North. We won’t see much difference from this pattern change except maybe slight cooling in the days ahead. Monday and Tuesday we will see a brief window of opportunity for T/Storms mostly toward Big Bear and the Desert areas, as the center of the High moves East, and pulls some Moisture through the area on it’s way toward Texas.
By Wednesday, the High will be centered over Texas and New Mexico. As the High relocated to our East, this should put and end to the Monsoonal Moisture over soCal through the end of August. Temperatures will remain about normal for this time of year with daytime highs from 79-86* and overnight lows from 55-65* across the region. Winds will be mostly from the SSW with just light gusts. On the long range outlook, the models are showing the possibility of rain for our area for the period of Aug-31-Sept-02. This is due to an area of low pressure dropping south along the West Coast, and a burst of Monsoonal Moisture from the south and east moving into the region. Keep your fingers crossed that this comes to fruition. Have a good day. RC
Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-86/61*, Twin Peaks-84/70*, Lake Arrowhead-90/67*, Running Springs-80/68*, Big Bear-81/48*, San Bernardino-96/68*.
Average local temps for today are: 55*-81* – MAX-97*(1950)-MIN-41*(1976)
Forecast Temperatures for the area Today and overnight:
CRESTLINE/LK-ARROWHEAD/TWIN-PKS: SUN-80-86*/60-65*, MON-78-85*/55-63*,Tues-76-84/55-63*.
Big Bear, Running Springs,Green Valley Lake: SUN-76-84*/52-59*, MON-77-83*/50-59*, Tues-75-80*/46-55*-30%T/S
San Bernardino: SUN-94-99*/65-70*, MON-93-980*/65-70*,Tues-93-97*/64-69*..
Thank you for joining me @, or on Facebook @ Lake Gregory Weather Group, Rim Weather, or, San Bernardino Mountains.
On another note, there is a new source for local news that can be found at,