Weather Report 8/13/18

Ron Chalfant

Today’s Forecast for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains.
Good Morning.
Once again strong Thunderstorms to our East over Arizona have produced an outflow boundary that has headed West into the Southern California Deserts. Later this morning there may be some T/S development from this as far West as Big Bear. Onshore flow has returned to the Coastal areas and will spread Inland today and Tuesday as the surface pressure gradients increase at the Coast and weaken Inland. Dryer air will be the result. The circulation of once Hurricane John, coupled with the area of High pressure to the East of SoCal will help to increase the SW flow through Tuesday. Wednesday, High pressure will once again center itself over the Four Corners States helping to push the Monsoonal flow back into SoCal. We will still have some effects from John locally so we could see Thunderstorms develop as the moisture feeds back into the area. This will be the case through Friday and possibly Saturday. Then on the longer range outlook, an area of Low pressure will develop offshore of NorCal helping to push the monsoon out of SoCal. As of this mornings model outlook, that may be the end of the monsoonal moisture for awhile. So after Saturday, dryer and warmer temperatures will be in the forecast, typical weather for late August. Currently there are no expected Hurricanes that will affect the West or East Coastal areas. This has been a strange year for Tornados and Hurricanes so far. The SST’s off of San Diego are in the record breaking range for this time of year with temperatures near 80* at the scripts pier location. El Nino is back in the talk for this Winter again so that will be something to watch in the coming months. On the Alerts and Trends page of the website I have posted an article about the upcoming El Nino. Also at the bottom of the main page there is a youtube video by Juan Brown of why California is having such bad fire seasons now.

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-82/62*, Twin Peaks-83/63*, N-Lake Arrowhead-81/66*, Running Springs-73/61*, Big Bear-77/48*-.69″ rain, San Bernardino-93/69*.
Average local temps for today are: 56*-81* – MAX-93*(1996)-MIN-45*(1993)
Forecast Temperatures for the area Today and overnight:

Crestline and Lake Arrowhead: Mon-76-82*/54-62*,Tues-79-85*/58-64*, Wed-77-82*/60-66*, Thur-77-84*/59-65*.

Big Bear, Running Springs, and Green Valley Lake: Mon-73-81*/50-58*, Tues-73-80*/49-56*, Wed-75-80*/52-60*, Thur-75-80*/50-58*.

San Bernardino: Mon-92-97*/65-69*, Tues-95/64*, Wed-95/67,Thur-96/68.
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On another note, there is a new source for local news that can be found at,