Weather Report 8/12/18

Ron Chalfant


Forecast for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains.
Good Morning.
This morning we have broken cumulus clouds across the area as the outflow boundary from overnight Thunderstorms in Vegas have reached our area. There will be a chance for pop-up Thunderstorms across the area today.
We will begin to dry out later today as High pressure over the region weakens allowing the onshore flow return. This morning there was coastal fog along the San Diego area North to around Orange County. This will quickly dissipate as the morning wears on.
Temperatures will remain about the same as yesterday’s with highs ranging from 79-85* for most of the local areas. There may be a few areas in the upper 80s to 90* toward the North side away from the Rim. Winds will continue to be light and variable with periods of smoke during the day. This morning in the Valley the smoke and or haze is quite thick as can be seen on the Webcam page. As the onshore flow strengthens and the fires settle down, the amount of smoke in the air will gradually clear out.
On the longer range outlook, Wednesday through Friday we will return to the Monsoonal flow again with T/Storms likely in the normal areas. Once Hurricane John, is still floating around several hundred miles off of San Diego but will slowly move toward the Coast Wed-Friday. Then head out to sea Saturday. After next weekend it looks like the Monsoonal flow will go away for awhile returning us to a more normal pattern.
A Pacific high pressure will settle in to our West along with areas of Low pressure moving through the flow to our North. As September arrives, so do the Santa Ana winds. This is a good time to think about what you can do to make your house Fire Safe, and make an evacuation plan if needed. And, pray for rain. I’m hoping that when the remnants of John arrive Wed-Friday there will be enough energy to bring rain to the area. That’s it for today. Enjoy the end of the weekend, and think rain! Have a good day and as always, please be fire safe. RC
Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-83/62*, Twin Peaks-83/64*, North,Lake Arrowhead-94/58*, Running Springs-79/64*, Big Bear-80/52*, San Bernardino-95/71*.
Average local temps for today are: 56*-81* – MAX-92*(1996)-MIN-40*(1949)
Forecast Temperatures for the area Today and overnight:
Crestline and Lake Arrowhead: Sun-77-84*/56-62*, Mon-76-82*/54-62*, Tues-78-84*/58-64*.
Big Bear, Running Springs, and Green Valley Lake: Sun-75-82*/50*-60*, Mon-75-84*/50-58*, Tues-75-84*/49-56*.
San Bernardino: Sun-94-97*/63-68*, Mon-92-97*/65-69*, Tues-95/64*.
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On another note, there is a new source for local news that can be found at,