Weather Report 8/10/18

Ron Chalfant

Today’s Forecast for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains.
Good Morning.
This morning we have cloud cover from overnight T-Storms in the Desert and Southern San Diego County. These will likely stay with us for most of the day. This afternoon we will possibly have another round of Thunderstorms across the area bringing Lightning, rain and even Hail to some areas, as it did yesterday in parts of Big Bear. 30-50% chance for a Thunderstorm between Crestline and Big Bear. Temperatures will be in the upper 70s to low 80s today with variable winds. The upper air flow is from the East at this time and the surface flow is from the SW. Mid level is from the South so we have a very mixed up atmosphere this morning. Edison is shutting off the power in parts of the Crestline area so I will keep this brief as it is almost 6:30am when the power is scheduled to be turned off. Also we will have periods of smoke from the HOLY Fire as the winds shift around today. The HRRR shows an increase in smoke probability for this afternoon into this evening. Poor air quality can be expected today for the mountain area below 7000′. Have a good day and as always, please be fire safe. RC

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-91/67*-.02, Twin Peaks-88/65*-.02, Lake Arrowhead-93/63*, Running Springs-81/67*, Big Bear-81/53*, San Bernardino-104/75*.
Average local temps for today are: 56*-82* – MAX-93*(1997)-MIN-45*(1948)Record High in AUG-97*, 1950. Record Low-37* 1973.
Forecast Temperatures for the area Today and overnight:
Crestline and Lake Arrowhead: Fri-74-82*/58-65* 20% T/S, Sat-78-84*/57-65*30% T/S, Sun-74-82*/56-62*.
Big Bear, Running Springs, and Green Valley Lake: Fri-77-84*/50-55*-40%T/S, Sat-77.84*/52-59*-30%T/S, Sun-77/50*
San Bernardino: Fri-95-110*/67-70*,Sat-95-68*-Sun-93-63*.

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