Weather Report 7/6/18

Ron Chalfant,

Forecast for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains:
Good Morning.
There’s lots going on with the weather around the country today. In the Atlantic basin TS Beryl, has become the second Hurricane of the year currently a CAT1.
Here we are dealing with an area of high pressure that will bring very warm temperatures to all of SoCal. Locally today, we can expect to see daytime highs in the upper 80s to mid 90s across the mountain. The circulation of the High will bring Tropical moisture into SoCal over the next several days.
Possible Thunderstorm activity will be increasing beginning this afternoon for the Desert and Mountain areas. Offshore flow from the High over the Four Corners States will keep the Marine layer from the Coastal areas to offshore for the next few days as well. High based moisture today will not be sufficient for rain to accompany any Thunderstorms that may develop however, Dry Lightning will be a possibility through Sunday am.
Then the moisture will deepen across the area Sunday evening through Tuesday or Wednesday. This is when we could get heavy downpours accompanying any Thunderstorms that develop. So if you are near Forest Falls, Big Bear, or in the Deep Creek area, keep informed on the weather around you as Flash Flooding could be a possibility. There will also be a chance for nocturnal T-Storms Sunday through Wednesday morning.
This pattern looks to stay in place through next weekend. Temperatures will slowly cool through the days ahead partly due to expected cloud cover. Precipital Water (PWAT) levels will be around 1.00″ today. This will increase to 1.5-1.8″ in the coming days so heavy rain during and T-Storms as mentioned above may occur.
Yesterday sheared off clouds from once Hurricane Fabio looked as if they would move over SoCal, but they went further North into Central and Northern CA, so we had clear skies. Currently a band of clouds is moving into the southern parts of the Desert SW. These will likely produce some T-Storms and dry lightning as they develop throughout the day and move toward the local mountains.
If you have pets outside they need shade and plenty of water! DO NOT leave your pets or kids in an unattended vehicle at any time!!That’s it for today. Have a great day! RC
Yesterday’s highs and low temperatures around the area were, Crestline-91-58*, Twin Peaks-89-68*, Lake Arrowhead-87-67*, Running Springs-89-65*, Big Bear-82-45*, San Bernardino-95-67*.
Average local temps for today are: 80*-54* – MAX-96*(1989)-MIN-40*(1955).
Record High in July-100* 1972. Record Low-43* 1982.
Forecast Temperatures for the area Today and overnight:
Crestline, Twin Peaks, and Lake Arrowhead: 90-95*/62-67*
Running Springs, GVL, and Big Bear: 82-87*/50-55*
San Bernardino: 105-114*/75-82*
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On another note, there is a new source for local news that can be found at,