Weather Report – 7/29/19

This article brought to you by Rim Chiropractic

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Good Morning.
It stayed pretty warm overnight it was 75* at my location at 6am. Today we will continue to have mostly clear skies with some debris clouds from overnight Thunderstorms in the Sonoran Deserts of Mexico moving Northwest into SoCal later this morning.
..Yesterday afternoon and evening, the humidity levels rose rapidly making for very humid conditions locally. Fortunately, this morning most areas are back to more normal humidity levels.
..The upper level area of High pressure that has been over SoCal for the weekend, is beginning to weaken and move Eastward. This will draw Tropical Moisture back into the Eastern parts of SoCal raising humidity across the area for Tuesday and Wednesday. But temperatures should cool slightly at the same time due to a weak Trough to our North. We will be sandwiched in between the two, so Thunderstorm development will not be likely for our area. Most of that activity will be out toward the Colorado River and lower Deserts.
On the long range outlook, after a few days of cooler weather, another warm up is likely toward the weekend, as the High pressure over Texas and New Mexico strengthens and expands West.
..That’s it for now. *RC
..Thank you. RC @

..As we head into Fire Season please use caution in all mountain areas. Also I will begin today posting the Fire Danger levels the WX Alerts page for a more in depth look at the local fire weather..(Website)

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-93/69*, Twin Peaks-85/68*, Lk Arrowhead-91/71*, Running Springs-89/66*, Big Bear-84/51*, GVL-85/61*, San Berdo-106/64*, Wtrmn Cyn-95/61*.