Weather Report 7/28/18

Ron Chalfant

Forecast for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains.
 Good Morning.
We continue to be in a stagnant weather pattern across the West. Other than subtle changes, this will be the forecast for the next five days. We will see an increase in Thunderstorm activity again through Tuesday, but most of the action will be from Big Bear, East, toward the Colorado River. PWAT levels will increase from 1.0″ today to 1.5″ by Tuesday so any storms that do develop Sunday through Tuesday will likely contain rainshowers with them. Also remember, flash Flooding is always a possibility so be aware of your surroundings at all times especially during T-Storms.
The High pressure area that has been stagnant over the West, will remain in place through the end of the work week ahead. Nighttime lows should begin to cool off more as the High weakens slightly, but daytime highs will continue to remain in the mid to upper 80s with a few areas in the low 90s through Thursday of next week. The exception will be if your area is affected by a thunderstorm, then you will see a nice reprieve from the heat, temporarily.
Humidity levels are running very low this morning so please be careful out there with any fire, BBQ’s, Welding, etc.
So now for the good news! It looks like we will finally break out of the heat next Friday as a long wave trough moves across the North West. This will upset the stationary High that has brought this long lasting heat wave to SoCal and push it East. This will be around the 3rd of August. Then it looks like we will see a change in the weather pattern and finally have a couple Hurricanes develop to the South of Baja.
These storms are forecast on the ECMWF forecast model to move North along the West Coast of Baja bringing Tropical Moisture into SoCal from the 10th through the 20th of August including Thunderstorms with rain for our area. So keep your fingers crossed that this comes to fruition. Rain this time of year would greatly help to reduce the Fire Danger, for awhile anyway. As for the Fire Danger level today, VERY HIGH to EXTREME in some areas. So please be careful! the fires to our North in Redding and the Lake Shasta area have been especially devastating. Hundreds of homes have burned, and sadly another Dozer operator has been killed fighting that fire, along with a Fireman as well. Prayers for their families. RC

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-93/66*, Twin Peaks-87/69*, Lake Arrowhead-91/68*, Running Springs-85/70*, Big Bear-88/50*, San Bernardino-103/69*.
Average local temps for today are: 57*-82* – MAX-96*(1995)-MIN-46*(1990)
Record High in July-100* 1972. Record Low-40* 1982.
Forecast Temperatures for the area Today and overnight:
Crestline, Twin Peaks, and Lake Arrowhead:
SAT-85-90*/62-66*, SUN-80-85*/60-65*, MON-82-86*/60-65* T/S 25%, Tues-85-90*/60-65*-T/S 25% .
Running Springs, GVL, and Big Bear:
SAT-82-88*/55-65*, SUN-79-86*/57-65*-30%T/S, MON-79-84*/52-62* 40%-T/S.
San Bernardino:
SAT-99-105*/65-70*, SUN-97-103*/65-70*, MON-97-102*/65-70* 10% T/S.
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On another note, there is a new source for local news that can be found at,