Weather Report 7/25/18

Ron Chalfant

Forecast for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains.
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Good Morning.
Not much change from the last few days in the weather as High pressure remains the dominate feature across SoCal. High pressure @598dm will strengthen a little more today and slowly move toward the AZ/CA border area. Temperatures will be pretty close to what we had yesterday with highs reaching into the upper 90s locally, and into the mid to upper 80s for Big Bear, Running Springs, and Green Valley Lake.
A couple of pop up T-Storms developed late in the day on the East side of Big Bear, with dry lightning that started a Brush Fire near Onyx Summit. Which was quickly extinguished at around 1/4 acre.
Today there will also be a chance for more pop-up T-Storms during the afternoon hours across the mountain and Deserts. It looks like we will see a little more humidity today which will make things a little sticky. Mostly clear skies with light and variable winds with afternoon clouds will the days forecast.
The area of High pressure will slowly weaken as we head into the weekend. There will be an increase possibility of Thunder Storms for the weekend as Monsoonal Moisture will be drawn back into the area as the area of High pressure shrinks. Temperatures will cool a little each day beginning Friday with highs in the upper 80s expected for the upcoming weekend. Don’t forget about you pets as they need extra water and shade. Also DO NOT LEAVE YOUR KIDS OR PETS IN AN UNATTENDED VEHICLE. RC

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-98/66*, Twin Peaks-98/70*, Lake Arrowhead-99/63*, Running Springs-87/72*, Big Bear-86/56*, San Bernardino-106/76*.
Average local temps for today are: 56*-82* – MAX-94*(2000)-MIN-42*(1977)

Record High in July-100* 1972. Record Low-40* 1982.
Forecast Temperatures for the area Today and overnight:
Crestline, Twin Peaks, and Lake Arrowhead:
WED-93-98*/66-70* THUR-88-94*/65-70 FRI-94-92*/62-67* SAT-84-90*/63-68*.
Running Springs, GVL, and Big Bear:
WED-85-90*/56-62* THUR-86-90*/56-63* FRI-83-88*/54-60*.
San Bernardino:
WED-106-110*/72-78* THUR-100-105*/72-78* FRI-102-105*/70-75*
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On another note, there is a new source for local news that can be found at,
If you are interested in buying a rain gauge or any other weather instruments, click on the Ambient weather graphic toward the bottom of this page, their website will come up.