Weather Report – 7/21/19

This report brought to you by Prime Properties, The Real Estate Place

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Good Morning.
..This morning we have clear skies across the mountain and there is no fog in the Valley.
..Today we will begin to see a pattern change in our local weather. An area of high pressure will build over the Rocky Mountain States and expand toward the SoCal region. This will bring in warmer temperatures to all of SoCal as well as higher humidity levels. Sub Tropical moisture will become entrained in the circulation around the area of High pressure and begin to feed into our area Tonight or Monday morning. This is when we will feel the humidity increase. The prevailing winds will become Southeasterly by tomorrow as the area of High pressure strengthens.
..Monday will be around 5-7* warmer than today’s high temperatures, and warmer again on Tuesday. However, as the Tropical Moisture arrives, we will see Towering Cumulus clouds develop over the Ridges and Desert areas which may keep daytime highs from reaching the projected max. Also there will be an increasing possibility for Thunderstorms beginning Monday through Wednesday, Wednesday will be our best chance for T-Storm development locally. Rain will likely accompany these Storms and FLASH FLOODING will be a possibility so stay tuned to the NWS and the FB page for lake gregory weather group for updates as needed. I will be monitoring these storms as they develop and providing live RADAR updates and any NWS warnings that are posted.
..Lightning is very dangerous and can kill you if struck. During Lightning storms go inside of your house or car to be safe.
..Thursday it looks like the moisture will move West as the area of High pressure relocates to the West as well. Temperatures will remain quite warm through next weekend at least, for our area.
..Temperatures and humidity levels will be on the rise through the work week ahead so be sure to take precautions accordingly. *RC
..As always, be careful with any type of outdoor fire and make sure your outdoor pets have plenty of shade and water. That’s it for now. RC*
.. Be sure to check on the Lake Gregory Weather Group, facebook page, for any radar loops or storm updates as needed.
Thank you. RC @

..As we head into Fire Season please use caution in all mountain areas. Also I will begin today posting the Fire Danger levels on the bottom of this page.
You can also check the wx alerts page for a more in depth look at the local fire weather..(Website)

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-77/62*, Twin Peaks-74/58*, Lk Arrowhead-76/63*, Running Springs-77/59*, Big Bear-82/45*, GVL-78/56*, San Berdo-96/61*, Wtrmn Cyn-85/58*.

..On the main page of the website, I have added two live webcam views, one of Lake Gregory pointing North, and the other facing Southeast toward Waterman canyon. These are very helpful for the drive up and down the hill. If the camera view is gray, that means it’s foggy.

..Be sure to check out the other pages on the website for the Latest on El Nino, live webcams from around the area, live Radar, Satellite loops, Traffic conditions, along with live Weather conditions, and a live view of Lake Gregory from my weather station at the South side of the lake. Have a good Day! *RC