Weather Report – 7/16/2019

This report brought to you by Sky Forest Inn Event and Retreat Center

Courtesy of


Good Morning.
..This mornings surface pressure gradient is running 3mbs onshore from San Diego to Daggett, and it’s neutral from SD to Tonopah. So I don’t see much in the way of winds for our area this morning. The Valley is free of any fog this morning, and in the Mountains we also have clear skies.
..There will be a slight change in our weather over the next few days as a Trough axis moves into the Pac-NW. This will slowly break down the High that is currently over the Four Corners area lowering Heights locally at the 500mb level. This will bring in a slow mild cooling trend to SoCal as well as an increase in the Marine layer each morning. For the local Valleys there will be a good chance for fog to creep into the San Bernardino Valley for Wednesday through Friday mornings.
..Temperatures will lower each day through Friday by around 2-4* with a total of around ten degree drop by Friday from Monday’s high temps.
..Saturday, High pressure will begin to strengthen again over the Four Corners Region. This will bring warmer temperatures back into the area as the pressure builds. Also, the circulation of the High will bring a return of Monsoonal Moisture into the Region. Beginning Monday through the end of the month, expect very warm temperatures to return along with a flow of mid level moisture to bring a chance for Thunderstorms to the Big Bear area as well as occasional chances to the Lake Arrowhead, Crestline, and the Running Springs areas. As it looks this morning on the 500mb forecast maps, we will be in for a long term warm spell with monsoonal moisture flowing into the Lower deserts and Eastern mountain regions. Currently there are no Hurricanes in the Eastern Pacific to fuel the moisture feed into the area from the West, but a Tropical depression is forming to the south of Baja and will be worth watching for influx of moisture from the West in the coming days. RC*
..As always, be careful with any type of outdoor fire and make sure your outdoor pets have plenty of shade and water. That’s it for now!
.. Be sure to check on the Lake Gregory Weather Group, facebook page, for any radar loops or storm updates as needed.
Thank you. RC @

..As we head into Fire Season please use caution in all mountain areas. Also I will begin today posting the Fire Danger levels on the bottom of this page.
You can also check the wx alerts page for a more in depth look at the local fire weather..(Website)

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-87/65*, Twin Peaks-87/61*, Lk Arrowhead-85/63*, Running Springs-86/61*, Big Bear-80/42*, GVL-80/50*, San Berdo-106/68*, Wtrmn Cyn-96/60*.