Weather Report 6/21/18

Ron Chalfant,

Forecast for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains:
Good Morning.
Today is traditionally considered the first day of summer, also called Summer Solstice, and is the longest day and shortest night in the Northern Hemisphere.
That is as exciting as it will get for awhile. High pressure will continue to be the main weather feature for all of SoCal and the West. The 250mb and 500mb Jetstream show little change for the near term and long range outlooks. An area of low pressure will move through the Northern Great Basin over the weekend which will bring a brief reprieve in daytime high temperatures locally. But the Dominate High pressure to our South will regain strength the first part of next week with the return of very warm daytime temperatures.
To our south the hurricane production has been squelched as well as along the gulf States and Eastern Seaboard. So overall we will be in a zonal flow across the southern part of the country with little change.
Temperatures for the Crestline, Lake Arrowhead, and Twin Peaks areas will have daytime highs today from 84-88*. Big Bear, Running Springs, and Green Valley Lake. will have daytime highs today from 80 85*, San Bernardino will see highs today from 95-100*.
All areas will have clear skies with light and variable winds from 0-10 mph. On another note, the latest El Nino forecast is out and I will be posting the highlights of that report on the ALERTS/TRENDS page of the website later today along with some other interesting information. So that’s it for now. Have a great day and enjoy the first day of summer. RC
Average local temps for today are: 78*-50* – MAX-92*(1961)-MIN-36*(1995).
Temperatures around the area for Today and overnight:
Crestline, Twin Peaks, and Lake Arrowhead: 84-89*/52-59*
Running Springs, GVL, and Big Bear: 80-86*/43-54*
San Bernardino: 95-100*/63-65*
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