Weather Report – 5/28/19

Courtesy of


Good Morning.
Today we have clear skies including in the Valley. Currently there is a weak NE flow across the area that is running from ~5000′ and above. Below that there is a Westerly flow to the surface. As the area of Low pressure that visited us Sunday slowly continues to move East, we will loose the Northerly flow aloft.
..Later today, another short wave will move through SoCal bringing a chance for a Thunderstorm to the Inland Mountain areas late this afternoon. The chances are low but it’s worth mentioning. This will be the case again tomorrow afternoon as another short wave moves through once again.
..Temperatures will be on the rise through the weekend as we slowly transition to more typical late May and Early June weather patterns. Temperatures will peak Thursday locally then level out for a few days as a closed Low moves through SoCal Friday an Saturday on it’s way to off of the Northern Baja Region.
..Then for Sunday through next Tuesday, we may see Tropical Moisture being pushed up from the low of off Baja into SoCal along with warmer temperatures. Additionally there will be a chance for Thunderstorms to move through the area as well due to the Tropical Moisture moving up from the Southwest. This is a little far out on the forecast but that’s how it looks now.
..Fog will likely return to the Valley areas during the mornings starting tomorrow as is typical for this time of year. But it will burn off by late morning each day. Locally we will have mostly clear skies except for afternoon cumulus clouds that may build into towering cumulus by late afternoon each day.
..That’s it for now. Thank you for joining me If T-Storms do develop I will post more info on my FB Page “Lake Gregory Weather Group” including Radar loops and any local Warnings if they occur. *RC

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-51/35*, Twin Peaks-43/38*, Lk Arrowhead-52/38*-.09″R, Running Springs-54/36*-.31″MS, GVL-48/30*-.25″MS, Big Bear-52/28*.05″MS, San Berdo-73/46*, Wtrmn Cyn-59/38.
..On the main page of the website, I have added two live webcam views, one of Lake Gregory pointing North, and the other facing Southeast toward Waterman canyon. These are very helpful for the drive up and down the hill. If the camera view is gray, that means it’s foggy.

..Be sure to check out the other pages on the website for the Latest on El Nino, live webcams from around the area, live Radar, Satellite loops, Traffic conditions, along with live Weather conditions, and a live view of Lake Gregory from my weather station at the South side of the lake. Have a good Day! *RC