Weather Report 5/23/18

Ron Chalfant,

Forecast for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains.

Good Morning.
This morning we still have fog and clouds along the Rim to around the 5000′ level. The webcam at Playground Drive W/St is fogged in. However, at 18 and Lake Gregory, its clear as of 4:30am.

As you travel away for the Rim, Northerly, it’s mostly clear at this time. So if you are driving down the hill, expect to have another foggy drive this morning. The Marine layer has been persistent over the last week or so, this is mostly due to a Catalina Eddy helping to push the Marine Layer Inland, as well as the areas of Low pressure that are typical for this time of year helping to maintain a strong onshore flow.

The onshore flow brings moist cool air in from over the Ocean, Inland. As the surface temperature of the land mass heats and cools, fog can form to varying depths from a few hundred feet thick along the Coast, to 5500′ thick, reaching Inland to the local area.

Several other factors come into play also such as, wind speed and flow, daytime heating, and Geographical barriers, which all play a part in the local daily weather.

Yesterday, temperatures across the local area varied quite a bit. Valley of the Moon, had clear skies and a high of 76*, while along the Rim on Skyland Drive had only 53* for the days high temperature due to the thick Marine layer. Big Bear had clear skies and highs around 66* as they were above the Marine layer’s influence. So as you can see, the local area has many different microclimates.

Today, temperatures will be a little warmer as we transition to a weak Ridge for today and Thursday. We should see a more shallow Marine layer as well. However, Friday and for the weekend, our weather will be influenced by another Cut Off Low that will move over the Central part of the State. This will bring a return of a deeper Marine Layer, and cooler temperatures through Sunday.

Temperatures around the area for Today and overnight:
Crestline, Twin Peaks, and Lake Arrowhead: 60-67*/42-48*
Running Springs, GVL, and Big Bear: 58-65*/35-42*
San Bernardino: 75-80*/52-57*
On another note, there is a new source for local news that can be found at,
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