Weather Report – 3/8/19

Courtesy of

Good Morning.
The NWS has issued Wind, and a Winter Weather, advisory for our area through 8pm tonight.
Another weak Trough will pass through the area this morning keeping the skies mostly cloudy with a chance for snow showers through around noon today. Temperatures across the area are pretty cold so any moisture will likely fall as snow above the 4500′ level today. As of 4am, one wave has already passed and there is another that may develop and bring a few showers later this morning, but from the sat pics it looks the bulk of it will remain offshore, as it heads South. So for today, we will have mostly cloudy skies and Ridge Fog at least through noon, with scattered showers and snow showers likely through the morning.

..For tomorrow, partly cloudy skies will be the Forecast as a transitory Ridge moves over the area. We won’t see much warming as a cold air mass is in place and will stay with us through the next few days. However we will see a bright thing in the sky that’s called the Sun. Ha, Ha! But don’t get out your suntan lotion yet!

.. Another weak system will arrive Sunday with a chance for rain/snow showers beginning Sunday afternoon and lasting through Monday. Again, with the cold air mass snow levels will be quite low running from 4500-5500′ level. This system will slide South along the West Coast Sunday. The center will be offshore and actually move Inland over Baja CA. As it does, there is a chance for Sub Tropical moisture to be advected into the circulation of the Low that will affect the local area. So I will be watching this and have more on that tomorrow. If this does occur, we could see greater moisture as well as another round of Thunderstorms due to the cold air in the Low mixing with the warmer Sub Tropical air mass.
..That’s it for today.
..Have a good Day! RC

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-43/31*-.28″R, Twin Peaks-39/28*-.29″R, Lake Arrowhead-42/29*-.20″R, Running Springs-37/27*-.37″R, Big Bear-45/26*, San Berdo-65/45*.