Weather Report 12/2/18

Ron Chalfant

Sunday 12-02-18

Outlook for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains.
Good Morning.
Today we have clear skies and quite cool temperatures around the area. Along the front country the fog has gone away so other than the usual rocks etc, the local HWYs should be easy going….
For the next couple of days, High pressure will build into the Great Basin creating an offshore flow across SoCal. The pressure gradient from the Great Basin to San Diego is expected to be from 2-4mbs so the offshore flow will be weak through Tuesday. Clear skies, slightly warmer temperatures, and a drier air mass will give us nice weather through Tuesday….
Wednesday, another potentially wet Pacific system will move onshore along the California Coast. This will bring a couple bands of showers through the area beginning Wednesday afternoon, lasting through Friday morning. Rainfall totals look like they will rival the last storm with 2-4″ expected for our area. The snow levels will start out at ~7000′ lowering to ~6500′ Thursday into Friday morning as it looks this morning. Again this system will have a southern moisture feed helping to keep the temperatures warm….
. The weekend looks clear so the ski resorts will be busy. Then another system is possible for the next week as well however, this may be much colder as it will have a more North to south trajectory as it looks now….
So as it looks now, we are in a wet pattern of storms every three- four days or so. Hopefully this will stay in place through the Winter. As the temperatures fall overnight in most areas to below freezing, black ice will be possible on the local roads so please be careful! Have a good day!
That’s it for now. Thank you for joining me @ RC

December’s average High and Low temperatures for this day:
HIGH-47*, LOW-31*. RECORD LOW-18*-2004, HIGH-66*-1949.

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-43/29, Twin Peaks-38/28*, N-Lake Arrowhead-44/29*, Running Springs-36/25*, Big Bear-43/21*, San Bernardino-63/42*.

Forecast Temperatures for the next three days:
Crestline,Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead
Sun-42-50*/28-35*, Mon-46-54*/28-36*, Tues-42-48*/37-39*.

Running Springs, Arrowbear:
Sun-35-40*/25-30*, Mon-42-48*/32-37*, Tues-45-50*/32-37*.

Big Bear, Green Valley Lake:
Sun-36-43*/18-24*, Mon-40-46*/20-25*, Tues-42-48*/22-28*-.

San Bernardino:
Sun-58-64*/45-52*, Mon-60-66*/45-53*, Tues-64-70*/50-55*.

Thank you for joining me @, or on Facebook @ Lake Gregory Weather Group, Rim Weather, or, San Bernardino Mountains.
On another note, there is a new source for local news that can be found at,
If you are interested in buying a rain gauge or any other weather instruments, click on the Ambient weather graphic toward the bottom of the page to access their website.