Weather Report 11/12/18

Ron Chalfant

Forecast for Crestline, Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead and the San Bernardino Mountains.

Good Morning.
Thoughts and prayers go out to all affected by the recent fires across California.

First off, I made a mistake in the cause of the “Camp” Fire. It has been reportedly started by a malfunction of a PG&E transmission line, not a campfire. Sorry.

Locally, we had two separate fires yesterday. One near CSUSB that burned ~30acres, and another in the Cedar Glen area at ~2 acres. Thank you to all of the emergency personal that responded to those incidents.

Now for today’s outlook. Gusty winds are still with us this morning and will continue through Tuesday night. A RED FLAG WARNING will remain in effect through that time. Currently, at my location, I have NE winds from 10-29mph. Crestline’s Paivika Ridge W/S has NE winds from 25-56mph, Keller Peak-22-25mph, and Cal State W/S 10-25mph, Rimforest-12-30mph. So you get the picture. It’s Windy.
The surface pressure over the Great Basin will slightly strengthen over the next 24-36hours keeping an offshore pressure gradient across the local area. The surface high pressure over the Great Basin will begin to weaken Wednesday with weakening winds locally. This mornings surface pressure in Tonopah is 1033mb, while San Diego is @ 1022mb, creating an offshore or North East wind flow. As the surface pressure weakens Wednesday, the winds will subside across all of SoCal. Thank Goodness!!!

We will return to onshore flow with increasing humidity and possibly fog returning to the IE Thursday. Clear skies and cool temperatures will remain the forecast through Friday. A more Zonal flow will return Thursday with a chance for a pattern change early next week.

The long range weather forecasts show a chance for some moisture for our area around the 22nd.
I hear that the Ski Resorts are blowing snow so lets hope this is the beginning of a good year for them.

So a couple more days of these winds then things will settle down. Please be extra careful out there during this time of extreme weather. Be very careful with all fire or outdoor welding or grinding etc. It only takes a spark as we have seen across the State.

November’s average High and Low temperatures for this day:
HIGH-53*, LOW-34*. RECORD LOW-24*-1978, HIGH-67*-1990.

Yesterday’s High and Low temperatures were:
Crestline-52/41*, Twin Peaks-50/40*, N-Lake Arrowhead-56/38*, Running Springs-48/40*, Big Bear-48/17*, San Bernardino-73/56*.

Forecast Temperatures for the next three days:
Crestline,Twin Peaks, Lake Arrowhead
Mon-54-60*/34-38*, Tues-54-60*/34-40*,Wed-56-64*/35-42*.

Running Springs, Arrowbear:
Mon-50-55*/27-34*, Tues-48-54*/29-34*, 52-58*/30-36*.

Big Bear, Green Valley Lake:
Mon-43-50*/18-28*, Tues-45-52*/21-29*, Wed-45-50*/22-28*.

San Bernardino:
Mon-73-77*/40-48*, Tues-74-78*/43-50*, Wed-72-76*/44-50*.
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On another note, there is a new source for local news that can be found at,