Traffic Accident – Two Vehicles Tango On State Route 18 Near Upper Waterman Canyon

This article brought to you by Mountains Community Hospital

Article and photos by Scott Limpus

July 19, 2019

At 9:00 p.m. on Friday, July 19th, emergency crews were dispatched to a traffic accident with possible injuries reported on State Route 18 near Upper Waterman Canyon. The California Highway Patrol (CHP) and San Bernardino County Fire Department (SBCoFD), including Medic Engine 25, Medic Engine 26, and Medic Ambulance 26, arrived on-scene to find multiple vehicles pulled over on the right shoulder of the upbound lanes with minor to moderate damage. The occupants of the four vehicles were out on the side of the road attempting to slow down on-coming traffic in the dark and blind curve. There appeared to be no injuries.

According to a statement made by the driver of vehicle #1, a dark Suburban, he along with vehicle #2, a red Toyota truck, were travelling upbound on SR-18 in the fast lane. Vehicle #3, a dark Honda sedan, was following behind them. Vehicle #2 changed lanes to the right and vehicle #1 sped up and proceeded to pass him on the left. As vehicle #2 approached slower moving traffic ahead, he attempted to return to the fast lane, side swiping vehicle #1, basically “PITing” him. Vehicle #2 lost control and bounced off the center divider and came to rest back in the slow lane. Vehicle #1 stopped in the slow lane behind vehicle #2, and vehicle #3 stopped behind both of them. Vehicle #1 attempted to back into a turn out to get out of the road, and not knowing vehicle #3 was stopped behind him, rear-ended her. Vehicle #1 sustained minor damage, vehicle #2 sustained moderate damage, and vehicle #3 sustain minimal damage. The other vehicle that was pulled over was the brother of the driver of vehicle #2 and was not involved in the accident.

Paramedics evaluated the occupants of the three vehicles and they all denied being injured and refused medical treatment. Emergency equipment, including a Forest Service Law Enforcement Officer who happened to be driving by, blocked the slow lane as firefighters and CHP worked the incident. A tow truck was requested for vehicle #2. There were only minimal delays for commuters.

Due to the nature of the accident and evidence obtained by law enforcement, the driver of one of the vehicles was given a field sobriety test. The CHP is investigating the incident.