The Annual Lake Gregory Veterans Day Trout Derby

Article By David Laime

Saturday Nov. 10th

Lake levels were low, but spirits were high as the first of over 300 competitors began casting lines and pushing off shore in rented row boats, colorful kayaks, and float tubes of all make and model.  It was a chilly 39 degrees when the derby began, but with sunny skies and a light breeze, the day shaped up be a perfect one for fishing. Lake Gregory’s Event Coordinator, David Lipchik, was enthusiastic with the turn out for the late season inaugural event.  “We just stocked the lake yesterday, no actually day before yesterday, with 2500 lbs of fish total” said Mr. Lipchik,  when asked if there were any fish in Lake Gregory. The Debry rules were simple all fish must be caught with a hook and line, winners will be judged on length of fish, with weight be used to break any ties. Cadillac fishing reels and Ugly Duckling Water Sports co-sponsored the tournament, along with Lake Gregory Recreation, providing raffle prizes and gifts for competitors.  Sheep Dog Impact Assistance and Local V.F.W. Post 9624 were both on hand. Sheep Dog was there raising community awareness on their outdoor adventure programs and first responder initiatives to disaster relief sites. The V.F.W. was there with delicious brats, feeding folks and doing a bit of raising.

With both Youth and Adult derby category’s, and an end of derby raffle, there were prize winners a plenty.  In the Youth category 3rd place went to B. Espinoza with a trout of 16.5 inches. 2nd place went to A. Avalos with a trout of 16.75 inches and 1st Prize went to R. Whitt with a trout of 18.0 inches.  With almost dollars up for grabs the angler action on the lake was fierce. The 3rd place winner of a Cadillac reel, and $250 cash went to Thomas Wilson with a trout measuring 19.00”. 2nd place winner was a reel and $750.00 that went to Anthony Magno with a trout 19.5 inches long and following the 2018 trend of Year of the Woman, Judith Palma, took first prize catching an astounding 24.0″ long trout, and bringing home a thousand dollar cash prize!


This article brought to you by Goodwin & Sons Market.