Super Sides – Maple Yams

This article brought to you by Mountains Community Hospital and Lake Gregory Recreation.

By Victoria Heerschap

Maple yams are a sweet, savory, and silky side that pairs well with most proteins. If the yams at the store are less than great, this recipe can be made with some substitutions; try sweet potatoes, carrots, or butternut squash instead!

You may be wondering what the difference is between sweet potatoes and yams. A true yam is a starchy root from Africa, and the flesh can range from white to purple. However, here in the States, we’ve taken up the practice of calling the orange-fleshed variety of sweet potatoes yams. So, what’s the difference between the white sweet potatoes and orange yams found in your local grocery store? Nothing! They’re both sweet potatoes.

Maple Yams Recipe


1 lb. yams

3 tbsp. butter

¼ cup maple syrup

¾ tsp. salt

½ tsp. pepper


Preheat the oven to 400° and grease a ceramic baking dish.

Wash and peel the yams. Cut the yams into 1 ½ inch chunks and place into the baking dish.

In a small pot melt the butter over low heat. Add the maple syrup to the butter and bring to a simmer. Add the salt and pepper. Continue to cook at a simmer over low for 3 minutes, then pour over the yams, stirring to coat them well.

Roast the yams at 400° for 35-45 minutes, or until the yams are soft. Serve hot.

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