SB 15 Reopens in Cajon Pass After 19 Car Pile-up in Heavy Fog

Published by Raymond Ray

Photos contributed by Highway 15 Commuter

At 9:07 am on Wednesday, multiple calls reporting a massive accident in the fog on the Cajon Pass went into 911 dispatch. The location given was in the southbound lanes near the switchbacks between 138 and Oak Hills.

According to CHP reports, twenty to twenty five cars were involved but according to the San Bernardino County Fire Department the count was actually nineteen. Reports from the scene indicated that heavy fog was a factor. Big rigs and passenger vehicles were involved and people were walking in lanes.

The CHP initiated a SIG alert after closing the southbound 15 freeway. By 9:28 am, all southbound traffic was being diverted onto Rancho Road. Around the same time, San Bernardino County Fire tweeted that up to 35 patients were treated at the scene.

Tow trucks were instructed to access from Oak Hill Road and at 10:00 am, they were still working to clear the road way.

Around the same time, Victorville Sheriff Deputies reported that southbound traffic was attempting to exit the freeway going the wrong way down the 395 onramp. Additional units reported that people were trying to get through the road closer at Oak Hill to re-enter the freeway.

Any factors causing this accident aside from fog are unknown at this time. Ambulances are on scene and three people have been transported so far, but the exact nature and extent of those victims’ injuries are unknown at this time. According to fire officials, six other patients were considered delayed and many more declined treatment at the scene.