Rim Chiropractic Transformation Boot Camp – Part 4

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Article and photos by Christina Hernandez

Video by Sergey Astakhov

There’s only one week left until the Transformation Boot Camp comes to an end, and the results are impeccable! Not only have participants shown weight loss, but they have also shown improvement in their mental and physical well-being.

The purification program utilized during this transformation boot camp is very crucial for the participants, especially those with prior complaints of ailments, because this cleanse will expose what problems were caused by their prior lifestyles and diets. When you do a cleanse, you are essentially cleaning out your liver to renew itself; when the liver is cleansed, you can then determine what the real symptoms are. “Everything begins with the liver,” so when the liver is cleansed, one will experience progressive improvements in their health. This cleanse is very efficient and safe; participants are getting the guidance they need, along with the nutrients that their bodies need.

The nutrients are absorbed and properly utilized within the body, resulting in a healthier individual. Many participants complained of poor digestive health prior to the cleanse. Dr. Bueler and his staff made sure that this cleanse would improve their participants digestive system. As a result, countless participants stated that their digestive tracts have remarkably improved.

Now that this cleanse is coming to an end, Dr. Bueler will sit down with his participants and do another system survey. This will show what problems they may still be having, what problems have dissipated, and what could be improved. Through the system survey, Dr. Bueler and his staff will pin-point what areas they need to work on as well as what recommendations and/or remedies the participants may need in order to improve their overall health.

Many of the participants of this amazing transformation boot camp want to continue with the products and services that were given during this cleanse, showing that they want to remain feeling healthy and continue their new healthy lifestyle. Dr. Bueler stated that many of the products from this cleanse will be available to purchase from the staff at Rim Chiropractic.

A word of advice from Dr. Bueler and Billie Bueler: Always read the labels when you go to the grocery store. Something as simple as reading the labels on your purchases can be very beneficial to your health. Join us next week for the final results of this transformation boot camp, and if you want to partake in a healthier lifestyle be sure to contact Rim Chiropractic.