RIM Blue Star Moms “They Will Never Feel Forgotten”

Cynthia Bage is the proud Blue Star Mom of Sebastián Ángel Gonzalez. Cynthia always knew that Sebastian would join the military. When he was little, Cynthia says everything was about GI Joes, airplanes, ships- from his toys to his bedding to his walls, it was all about the Military.

Sebastian graduated from Rim Of The World High School in 2018, having lived in Lake Arrowhead since he was 3 years old.

Sebastian is serving his country as a Yeoman in the United States Navy. He is currently stationed on the USS New Mexico, a Virginia-class submarine. Sebastian plans on making the Navy a career.

Cynthia says that she is so proud of Sebastian. Although she dislikes not seeing him for months at a time, she does love, that for now, she gets to talk to him often. She enjoys sending him care packages, from candy to coffee, to all the little things that he loves. Cynthia love getting pictures of Sebastian enjoying his spare time with new friends.

Cynthia says, “being part of the Rim Blue Star Moms is great, it’s a support group, I get to hear other moms talk about how proud they are. We can relate and work together for a wonderful cause.”