Rim Blue Star Moms – Regina Brown

Welcome to a web series by Scott Limpus, introducing the community to our local heroes and their families, only here on MountainReporter.com

RIM Blue Star Moms
“They Will Never Feel Forgotten”

Regina Brown is a proud Rim Blue Star Mom. Her son, Joseph Preiss, is serving his country in the United States Navy. Joseph grew up on the mountain and graduated from High School in 2010. He went to boot camp in March of 2015 and is currently stationed in San Diego, California at North Island Naval Air Station. His rank is AE2 “Aviation Electrician 2” and works on the electrical components of the prop cargo planes called “Greyhounds”. Before that he worked on the electrical components on the helicopters.

Joseph is planning on making the Navy a career and will be staying in the service for 20 years. One of his favorite things about the Navy is teaching the new guys how to do their job. Joseph’s least favorite part about serving is how everything is in writing and it makes him feel like he can’t do anything unless he can find it in a manual.

Regina says that she usually gets to see her son once a month except when he is deployed. She enjoys being a Blue Star Mom because it’s her way of supporting her son as well as the other military personnel. Her favorite thing about her son serving is that everybody loves and respects him. She says that it is an honor to have him serving in the military just like her dad did. The thing that Regina likes least about Joseph serving in the military is when he gets deployed and she doesn’t know if he’s okay or not.

“I was very surprised when he told me he was going to join the service. But I love and support him just the same as all my other children and whatever they choose to do in their life. I am proud of my son for how he has grown into a mature and responsible adult.”

1 Comment

  1. Thank you Joeseph for serving America.
    God Bless you and keep watch over you🙏🇱🇷

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