RIM Blue Star Moms: Monica Tems and Private Christopher Tems

Published by Raymond Ray

Welcome to a new web series by Scott Limpus, introducing the community to our local soldiers and their families, only here on MountainReporter.com

RIM Blue Star Moms
“They Will Never Feel Forgotten”

The first soldier in the series is Private Christopher Tems. The Tems’ moved to the mountains when Chris was in the 3rd grade. He attended Charles Hoffman Elementary in Running Springs, Mary Putman Henck Middle School, and Rim of the World High School, where he graduated in 2015.

Chris is on active duty in the US Army. Chris’ mom, Monica Tems, says that his decision to enlisted happened fast. He went to the recruiter office, and a month and a half later, on September 11, 2018, he was leaving BCT (basic combat training) in Fort Leonard Wood, MI.

Prior to enlisting, Chris studies at Victor Valley College and was one of their starting pitchers on the baseball team. He worked as a union Pipefitter with his dad for a while, until deciding to enlist in the Army. Chris recently completed BCT and is currently stationed at Fort Leonard Wood for the remaining of his training. He is now in AIT (Advanced Individual Training).

Chris plans on being on active duty for 4 years then serve in the Army Reserves for another 4 years. He is unsure what he wants to do after he gets discharged, but he is looking forward to on his career and adventures that the Army is preparing him for.

Chris has always wanted to join the Army and has always wanted to play baseball. They have always been his dreams. Monica says that Chris’ favorite thing about being a soldier so far is traveling. She says that his least favorite thing about Army is the food.

Monica is honored to be a Blue Star Mom. “I love that I can talk to others who are going through similar situations with their children. I appreciate the support we offer to each other. Christine and Linda are both wonderful ladies full of support and advice especially when I’m a hot mess! I look forward to meeting other Blue Star Moms.”

Because Chris is a new recruit, he doesn’t get much time off to visit his friends and family. He did get to come home for a surprise Christmas visit, and left today to return to Missouri.

Monica and Joe, Chris’ dad, are most proud of his determination and his willingness to serve our country. “We are extremely proud of the man Chris has become and continues to be.”

RIM Blue Star Moms (RBSMs) is a chapter of the national organization of Blue Star Moms founded on February 6, 1942. Their chapter’s mission is to support and honor active duty personnel, promote patriotism, aide veteran’s groups and assist in homeland volunteer groups such as those who provide packages for deployed military service men and women.

RIM Blue Star Moms are the patriotic mothers of sons and daughters serving and sacrificing in the United States military. Their children make up the members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Army National Guard, Air National Guard and all the associated reserves. RBSMs proudly support the troops in a number of different ways.

One of the most visible tributes by the RIM Blue Star Moms are the banners or service flags hanging above the streets in many mountain communities. Each banner with a blue star represents a member in active duty. A gold star is displayed if a member is killed in action or dies in service. A silver star is displayed for a member who has been wounded or disabled.

The Mountain Reporter would like to show our support for the troops, and their moms that support them, by featuring a different family in a series of biographies about the young men and woman who have ties to the mountain community.

Special thanks to Goodwin’s Market and The Bear House Family Restaurant for sponsoring this article and supporting our community.