The First Month In

The team at wants to say a HUGE thank you to the mountain community following that has jumped on board within the last 40 days since launch! There’s been an absolutely incredible response to the live, daily news stories, and there’s MORE TO COME! We especially want to thank our advertisers that have jumped on board! The ad revenue is paying for fuel, gear, website costs, insurance…so many things that go into the site.

The team would also like to give a huge shout-out to all of the locals who have been sending us real time news tips, photos and story ideas by private message and text. (We will have a toll free news tip hotline launching within the next couple weeks but for now, send a private message to Raymond Ray, the Mountain Reporter Facebook page or an email to Don’t use your cell phone while driving.)

It’s really taken all of you to make the real time news possible. Finally, we would like to make a special mention of those who make all of the info on the site possible, Kdog for his morning road reports, Vickie for her weekly entertainment reports, all of the agencies and organizations sending us press releases as well as our anonymous contributors, you know who you are… really, thank you everybody!

We are proud to share our analytics with the community. Just a way to help everybody conceptualize how big of a family we are building on the mountain.

Analytics from the last 30 days.

Astonishingly, in the last month we have reached over 30,000 readers and are very close to hitting 46,300 post engagements! Post engagements have gone up almost 1000%. This means that our advertisers are definitely getting exposure for their ads and the community is seeing the news we’re bringing to the table, but wait…there’s more!

We are launching in six phases.

  • Phase One: The website and written articles were the initial phase of the launch. Every effort is being made to get stories posted with as accurate information as possible, as quick as possible. That’s because, YOU, the readers, are private messaging us photos and info real time, as you see it happening around the mountain.
  • Phase Two: The second phase has begun and consists of special video reports with interviews and in depth reports on the news you want to see.
  • Phase Three: Daily news broadcasts. We will soon be launching the daily video news program where a video report will cover the mountain’s notable events of the preceding 24 hours and the upcoming events for that day. Traffic, news and weather will be included in those broadcasts.
  • Phase Four: Weekly News Show. A talk show style recap of the week’s events and upcoming events with interviews and guests from various agencies, organizations and businesses on the mountain.
  • Phase Five: We are excited to announce our spotlight segments! Each week a different spotlight video will be released. From in depth interviews with our local chefs, artists and musicians to an adventure series called, “Exploring, with Raymond Ray”. The exploring videos will showcase outdoor activities, local landmarks and special features on our mountain history.
  • Phase Six: Live broadcasts from the scene of concerts, community outreach events, chamber mixers, community meetings and news events will bring the community up close and personal with the things happening around us everyday. These live broadcasts will show on a special LIVE page on the website and will be simulcast on Livestream, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Twitch.

So many amazing projects are underway. Weekly fishing reports from around the mountain, free classified ads, a local photography column, a page dedicated to our local bands and musicians with contact info so you can listen to our local musical talent and hire live, local music for your family or business events and so much more. Send us an email if you would like to contribute news articles or content!

Thank you to all of our mountain family for your support and we look forward to years of bringing you live, real time news. Again, special thanks to all of you who are sending us news tips, photos and story ideas and a huge thank you to our advertisers who have been supporting us as well as the new ones joining everyday! Send an email to for pricing packages if you are interested in advertising with us.

See you around the mountain and thank you so much for your support!