McDonald’s Teams up with Boys and Girls Club to Benefit Summer Program

Stop by McDonald’s this Memorial Day weekend and your purchase can benefit a fundraiser for the local Boys and Girls club. A press release issued by the Boys & Girls Club of Crestline California, reads as follows:

Press Release

The Boys & Girls Club of the Mountain Communities serves our mountains with club sites at all three elementary schools and our clubhouse in Crestline. Our mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. To do this we provide after school programs helping the members with their homework and developing social and emotional skills and having fun with lots of recreation. All of these programs are provided for a membership fee of just $60 per year for a family. The programs are funded through grants, fundraising events, and individual and corporate donors.

But this only funds our school year programs. This year the staff and parents at each site chose to raise the funds to have all day summer programs at every club. Non-refundable deposits only covered a portion of the cost. The rest had to be raised from fund raisers and donations.

Thanks to a lot of hard work by parents and staff, and support from our community, each club will be open during the summer with over 120 kids participating across the mountain.

But some sites are still working so they can be open as long as possible. The Iacono Club in Crestline is being helped by the McDonald’s restaurants in Lake Arrowhead, Blue Jay, and Crestline. Through the Memorial Day weekend each guest will be asked to donate to help the club to be open through the entire summer. In addition, McDonalds coupon books are available for sale at the Crestline club for just $5 with all proceeds going to the summer program.

Our local McDonalds restaurants have been supportive of the club over the years with these kind of fundraisers, incentives for the kids, and assisted in getting a grant for lap top computers from the Ronald McDonald House Charities. We are extremely grateful for their continued commitment to the club. So treat your family to a Big Mac and make a donation to the club.

Remember, only with YOUR help can … “Great Futures Start Here”!

(Photo courtesy of Boys & Girls Club of Crestline)