Kdog’s Rode Reap Port 08/28/18

Roads are clear today… an easy ride. There’s nothing to slow you down or impede your progress. However, it is like Wild Country Safari out there! In the past couple of days, I have seen deer, bear, skunk, coyote, and a whole bunch of those walkers who stumble around VOE after replacing a large percentage of their blood with meth and heroin. Then, just today, I almost ran over an extremely daring raccoon… and before I got to the 3000 foot elevation, both a bobcat and a fox showed themselves (I’m not talking about cheapo junk cars from the 80s, either, as one might expect from this column, but the actual animals themselves).

Two day, aye have decide dead too ewes the spell core wrecked feet your awn my computer. Fore years, I have doubted it’s use fullness, butt it seams thyme two let tech knowledge gee work FOUR me, and knot against me. Now, the gram myrrh Czech is some thing that I’m knot quite read E too except, but eye have be come confident that this mite bee very help full! (Its were king! No miss takes have bin flagged jet!)

So, the Crestline Post Office had a unique solution to a problem I have been having. See, with Post Office box delivery as our only means of mail delivery on the mountain, each and every boxholder is required to come in to the Post Office once per year to verify that the boxholder actually lives on the mountain. I got notified in February that I needed to go in and verify my address, identity, and residency. I did that. Then I had to do it AGAIN in July. And, in August, the nasty notifications resumed, telling me that I needed do this yet again, or else they will lock the box… again. That’s three times in six months.

So, when I went in yesterday, I asked why I am required to do this so often. The response was, “Only once per year. That is all.”

I said, “Yes, I realize that it is only supposed to be once per year, but I have to do it every few months— or weeks—, and would like to know why.”

“Only once per year. That is all.”

I replied that, yes, I understand that the PLAN is to do so once per year… but that I am being forced to do so many times per year. Why NOT just once per year for me?!?

“Only once per year. That is all.”

So, there you have it folks… the very helpful Post Office person has TOLD me that it is only once per year, and that is all. Until a few weeks from now, when I am notified again that I had better get in there and verify my damn residency, or else they will lock my box. Again. I’m stunned… from a pseudo- government agency? Who’da figgered?!?

Shall we discuss the DMV next? No… I’ve only got enough ‘rant’ in me for one agency per day. So, you’ll need to wait for the DMV rant, by either walking in, for a seven- hour wait, or, you can make an appointment (earliest available is in October), so that your wait is only FIVE hours.

MoviePass is imploding. This is the service that allowed subscribers to attend one movie per day, 365 days per year, for a single annual subscription of $100. But… then they had to restrict the service to ONLY certain times of day, which seemed to be sort of randomly applied. Then, certain features— mostly big, new releases— were excluded from the service. And… some theaters would not accept MoviePass. Then… they had to cut it down to just THREE movies per month… and then the annual subscription was eliminated, and only the monthly subscription is available. I heard, though, that they WILL bring the annual subscription back again soon: For $100, you can see any movie that has been in release for at least four years, during matinee hours on the sixth Tuesday morning of any month, before 7:00 AM. You may see one movie per year under the new terms. It sounds really great!

Sew service mite knot bee as grate as it chews two bee… butt at leased eye can be shirt too a void air roars in spelling! Thank cue, spell core wrecked!