Kdog’s Road Report 5/31/18

‘Twas a dark and stormy night… well, not stormy, just foggy, and I guess it was morning, not night, but it WAS dark. Oh, never mind the attempt at classic prose.
After being advised yesterday by Cass, a reader and friend, that “brief” is okay sometimes for the daily road report, I’m going to give that a try. In order to do that, though, I had to come into the office very early today (I’m the guy that opens the building each morning anyhow), because for some reason, HR gets complaints from other employees, who APPARENTLY get bent out of shape anytime I sit here in my briefs. WTH? Just don’t look in my cubicle when my pants are draped over the wall, right!?! Besides, writing in my briefs is really quite comfortable. In any case, I need to write quickly, because the other (whiny) employees will be here soon… I must be brief.
Okay, that fog is back. Yesterday’s brief reprieve wasn’t really that much of a great thing, because it seems that it just relocated briefly to an area where its vision- restricting qualities would have maximum impact… and impactful it was. Seems like anybody who got through Chony Pass— sorry, I mean CAJON Pass— without an impact was fortunate, and I’ll bet pretty much everybody needed a change of briefs after jockeying through that.
So, today is a “BVD” day: Be Very Defensive. Not with your relationships, but in your driving style, to put it shortly.
Fog for us today is fairly moderate, and seems to be at least as high as 5000 feet/ Crestline Upper Heights. It remains moderate as one travels downhill, with patchiness and brief areas of clarity. It thins gradually, until a brief distance past Upper Waterman Canyon Road’s exit, when you will finally drop through the last of the fog. Once you are under there— Under where? Under the fog!— you’ll see San Bernardino.
No rocks, no snow, no boxers. Sorry, that was a cheap pun didn’t even work on the fly. Just be glad that I didn’t try to awkwardly make a joke about the one musical instrument randomly sitting in the office this morning… you know, the flute of the room. But don’t get your panties in a bunch over really bad wordplay… Don’t be mad, Bra!

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