Kdog’s Road Report 5/24/18

Apparently, the fog is here to stay. It’s polite fog, generally leaving the mountain homes alone, with plenty of sunshine and blue skies for mountain residents, but, like some sort of biblical punishment, the gates to Sodom and Gomorrah are guarded each day by fog, for those of us who choose to enter the bowels of Hell.

As one descends the mountain today, the fog starts right around the Crestline Bridge (Hwy 18 x Hwy 138). It’s heaviest nearer the top, with moderate fog providing 50- 100 foot visibility (four to five dashed highway lines). As one descends, the fog gradually thins, and is of little consequence by the Upper Waterman Canyon Road’s exit. Hell’s not so bad after all, at least as far as visibility is concerned.

Roads are dry, and rocks, ice, bears, crashes, and chain control stations are not factors to fret about on this fine day.

I mentioned the other day that when the information about the “Major Work” on Hwy 18 was released, that I’d share: Well, dogged newshound Raymond Ray from www.MountainReporter.com has gotten the scoop on this. You can find his article at that site. In a nutshell, this will be a repaving project, and will include some repairs/ enhancements to right- side guardrails. The stretch of Hwy 18 from Hwy 138 to 40th St. will affected, with work beginning near the top… and it’s all downhill from there. The work is scheduled to begin on May 30, with a daily PLANNED schedule of 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM each weekday. There may some single- lane closures, and escort convoys may be utilized.

Today is, “National Scavenger Hunt Day.” Really, there’s actually such a thing. In observance, I’ve decided to offer up a little fun for readers today: Your assignment is to bring the following items to me: A five- dollar bill, an ten- dollar bill, a twenty dollar bill, and a fifty dollar bill. Once all entrants have submitted their finds, I’ll award the top prize— a $50 gift card to Toys-R-Us! Plus, I’ll share a a significant portion of a savvy business deal that I recently made with a prince from Nigeria… should be PRETTY nice, when that check arrives. Aaaaaannnnnnndddddd…. GO!