Kdog’s Road Report 08/20/18

Today’s drive is smooth… oh, man, how smooth it is. I’m pretty sure that CalTrans is using black velvet with a buttercream base on some of those sections of Hwy. 18. It really is amazing to hear what a difference pavement texture can make regarding just the sound inside one’s vehicle. Those newer segments of highway are so quiet and smooth that returning to the old pavement is a jarring experience. Anyhow, the drive has no surprises to offer you today, other than Monday morning traffic, and intermittent wake- ups from the velvet/ buttercream sections..

So… words… I have to make some of them, or else I’ll be unemployed. How ‘bout some news?

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck this weekend, a few miles off of the coast of Oregon. Earthquakes are rarely centered exactly on the surface of the planet, but while it is common to hear of quakes in this area being centered many miles beneath the surface of the Earth or ocean, this weekend’s quake occurred about 75 miles above the surface. Very little damage was reported, with the exception of some air traffic disruptions, and scientists aboard the ISS reporting detectable shaking (and a brief power outage). No tsunami warnings were issued, but a cosmic wave warning was in place for a few hours following the quake. There were also reports of some satellites being damaged by the shift of astrological plates, but these things had been made in China and were pretty much bound to fall apart any day now.

Next, this article, as written:

A California man has filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles County, claiming that his neighbor “copied” him by purchasing a very similar car to what the plaintiff drives.

“’I’ve been ‘the guy’ in this neighborhood who drives the Smart For Two,” explained Ned Rodgers. “Now, some other guy gets one, in a very similar shade, and I’m supposed to just stand by?” Rodgers is clearly outraged that another resident of his neighborhood has displayed the audacity to do what Rodgers did first, and his claim that it is “not cool” seems to be well founded.

Research has shown that buying a car that is similar to one owned by somebody else who lives in your area, or is employed at your workplace, is not cool. It is, researchers confirm, absolute proof that the second purchaser (the “copycat”) is a douchebag. While science has tried to justify this behavior a number of times, the fact remains indisputable: Buy a car like your neighbor’s car, and you are a jerk.

Rodgers seeks damages for besmirching his reputation, and for loss of value for his property. Prospective home buyers are known to avoid purchasing in neighborhoods where duplicate models of the same car are found, as this is a clear indication of douchebag infestation. Rodgers is also seeking an injunction requiring the other driver to immediately remove the vehicle from his neighborhood, and to find a method of disposal satisfactory to Rodgers.

Right here in Crestline, on Saturday, scanners indicated a number of reports about a dog chasing somebody on a bike. Officers responded quickly, took the bike away from the dog, and allowed the pedestrian to make a clean getaway.

A movie released this last weekend, starring Kevin Spacey, is reported to have grossed a grand total of $126 on opening day. However, that was just for the box office tickets. Patrons DID purchase popcorn and beverages, bringing theater receipts close to the million dollar mark.

Finally, David Hogg is coming to California to protest California’s “bullet train.” He is apparently unaware that we are very excited about spending eleventy kajillion dollars for an assault train that will not only cost more than flying would, but will greatly extend travel times, for trips in between L.A. and San Francisco (well, actually it won’t go anywhere near either of those locations, but, whatever). The “high- speed rail,” with the budget that has somehow exponentially increased in cost (in SPITE of government efficiency and promises… ) is something that the vast majority of Californians are in favor of, if you count Jerry Brown and a couple of politicians who will personally benefit from it as, “the vast majority.” As for me, I’m not totally convinced that paying “my share,” which equals about seven times my annual gross, is totally worth it, but, hey… it’s a government thing, so how bad could it be?

But today, right now, for a while— at least until earthquake, fire, or snowplow beseech and destroy— we have smooth roads!