Kdog’s Road Report 06/22/18

The commute today seems to be going downhill fast. I guess that’s not so bad… but, still, I expect things to be looking up on the return commute this afternoon, even if it is an uphill climb. Other than some curves, potholes, and left- lane crawlers, there aren’t really any reasons to worry. No fog, no precipitation, no rocks, no ice… nothing but copious amounts of dry piled up all over the place.

There is a very low- elevation cloud cover… anybody above Lower Waterman Canyon Road’s exit is seeing sunshine, while those below it are wondering what the weather will do today. This will most likely burn off— wait, sorry, didn’t mean to use inflammatory— I mean, taboo— words— the cloud cover will evaporate later. Wait, I think clouds ARE evaporated water already… my memory of science class is sort of, uh, cloudy.  So, I guess I don’t know what will happen to the clouds, but I’ll bet that they will disappear, and that today will be hot.

CalTrans is still working on the guardrails, and them thangs are SHIIIIII- NY! I even saw a woman this morning, applying her makeup, and using the guardrails as her mirror while driving along. I do not recommend this. Seems dangerous, what with all of the chemicals in make- up products these days.

With the work occurring on Hwy 18, it seems like a good day to dredge up an oldie but goodie… the tale of the “Vehicles blocking snow plows” sign. True story…

A few years ago, while driving up the hill one afternoon, I saw this sign, newly installed along Hwy. 18:


It’s meaning seemed so vague… so devoid of instruction or advice or even suggestion. I had to snap a picture. And, it was fortunate that I did, as this sign only served sentry for a matter of hours, before being removed.

Now, I’m no prognosticator or seer of things. However, the events leading up to the installation of this sign had only one logical sequence: Somebody at the main office said to somebody else at the main office, “Hey, go put one o’ them red ‘n’ white, ‘vehicles blocking snow plows’ signs down there near the fruit stand!” So, a dutiful and obedient employee, not realizing that the familiar red and white signs SHOULD indicate that vehicles blocking snowplows are subject to being towed away, simply noticed that the stock room had no red ‘n’ white ’vehicles blocking snow plows’ signs, so he ordered them from the sign place, or the penitentiary, or Santa’s workshop, or wherever signs come from (but probably not God). Well, at least one… and, when it showed up, he sent a couple of the fellas out to install it.

Found out later that indeed, this is pretty much exactly what happened. I think we can all laugh about it now, right?