Kdog’s Road Report 06/18/18

Monday is here… there’s a day that’s on my “top- seven list” of favorite days of the week!

Roads are clear, with little fog, no rain, no deer carcasses, no wrecks, no rocks, no rucks, no racks…. Roads are grippy, not slippy. You may notice a little cloud cover obscuring the view of the flat parts, but the clouds are very thin; as you descend into the negligible vapor, you’ll find that it does not affect your visibility in any meaningful way.

I heard on the news that a police dog went missing from Ontario, CA (that’s “California,” not “Canada,” eh?), but has been recovered and returned to his handler. I wonder if the dog was CHiPped? (How ’bout THAT Ponch line, huh?)

So, Berkeley has announced that global population is approaching critical levels, and that population control is needed. But did you know that you could fit the entire population— of the entire world— into a plot of land only 565 square miles in area? This would be a little crowded, with each person standing on a plot of ground a little over 18” x 18,” but indeed, seven billion humans COULD stand in an area about 1/36 the size of San Bernardino County (okay, we’d need a little more acreage for the outhouses and food vendors, I guess). Now, if people were ready to accept being REALLY cramped, it’s theoretically possible to fit every human on the entire planet into a cube, with sides of just over one mile in length.

So, sure, some areas seem really crowded with traffic and close living quarters, but come on… the planet has a lot more room to offer… and if this “global warming” thing ever kicks in, think about how much more arable land and livable acreage we’ll have!