Kdog’s Road Report 06/14/18

Welcome to Thursday… only eight days until the weekend! Your drive today should be mostly easy- peasy, with few obstacles or hindrances or impediments or restrictions or hazards to disrupt your chi. As far as I could tell, there weren’t even any deerly departed on the road today, for a nice change, but that was only the status as of 5:10 AM: I did see a live deer, about a mile downhill from the Crestline Bridge, which darted in my direction, missing me by inches. That’s a bad area for a deer to be, and given this one’s proven proclivity for disregarding traffic dangers, it won’t surprise me a bit if this one transforms to venison on the front bumper of some commuter’s front- end- damaged car.

It’s a little odd to me to note the remarkable and rare sighting of an actual, real- live deer. I’ve lived in other parts of the country where the mildly interesting thing to say would be, “Weird… I did not see a single deer on my drive to work today…” and in some of those places, nobody would believe you anyhow.

I passed an… IHOb? Whaaaaaaa…. WHAT?!? Is IHOP going to switch over to a Hooters- type establishment? Are they going to be able to rebrand without having to buy new stuff (remember when that “TEXACO” near I10 x I215 was rebranded as, “EXACTO,” and was able to use the same letters, the same signs, simply by rearranging the letters? And, did you know that you can rearrange the letters in, ”Hillary Clinton” to read, “Lynch a trillion?”). It turns out, the management was simply responding to internal heat or pressure, and will now be the International House of Bingo. Gee… 58.

In the news today, I hear that the treaty signed recently with North Korea includes a stipulation that we, the U.S., cease military training exercises with South Korea. This could weaken the South’s defenses. However, let there be no question: The South will rise again. Plus, you know that somewhere within their ranks, there’s a General Lee…

Finally, please note the remarkable restraint that I have shown, in not making a bunch of lousy deer- themed puns, in spite of a few days’ worth of deer sightings. That’s only because I herd that even doe readers enjoy some Comet-y in the morning, I need to avoid getting into a rut, lest I end up red- nosed. Like my Aunt Lerzin used to say: “The buck stops here.”


You are welcome.