Kdog’s Road Report 06/12/18

Neither rain nor sleet nor gloom of night… nor fog either… are present for today’s drive. There is one very minor obstacle of note, however: As you travel downhill, just after you have passed the long curve to the left (one mile before Lower Waterman Canyon Road’s entrance, the curve that has a few houses on the right), the carcass of yet another deer lays near the center divider/ thrie- beam, but is partially IN the left lane. It’s not likely to do damage to a vehicle by running over it, but the greater concern probably comes from drivers startled by the surprise. Ironically, the deer is located about 500 BEFORE the, “DEER XING” sign… but it’s been rumored that deer have little regard for the rules. That’s why they’re called deerelicts.

Other than the venison- flavored speed bump, the drive was serene enough to allow me to listen to radio news, with only occasional distractions. Here’s a brief summary of what’s happening, as I recall, provided to you by newsradio KDOG, AM 630 AM:

President Donald  “The Donald” Trump and Kim “Lil’ Kim” Jong Un have met to discuss each other’s secrets of hair care and styling. Of course, that’s not true: They’ve both got that department nailed down! Really, they were there to discuss the elimination of nukes. President Trump is insisting on complete neutralization, something known as, “Net Neutrality.” Vince Vaughn (designated driver) and, Dennis Rodman (Carmen Electra’s ex, the guy who invented, “Air Jordans”) crashed the party, but this was because Rodman thought it was about North Korea’s exportation of the imposter sports- footwear brand, Nuke (pronounced, “Noo- kee”). Alas, seeing no competition to his own footwear brand, he just went and got some more piercings. Good luck with airport security, Dennis!

More evidence has come out regarding Larry “Feckless” Nassar, the UCLA groinecologist. It turns out, he regularly wore a T-shirt that read, “I’m a sex offender,” and his catch phrase was, “I have no boundaries regarding assault!” Whenever he said this, UCLA staff would laugh and laugh, high- five him, then give him a promotion. So, yeah… maybe there were some issues with noticing the subtle signs that there was a problem, and doing absolutely nothing.

Hope “Picabo Street” Solo has argued against the U.S. Soccer Team’s nomination for participation in the World Cup.  Apparently, though, it’s not the whole, “take a knee, because America is horrible” syndrome, but is more aimed at corruption and failure within the U.S. Soccer organization. Her brother, Han, had no comment.

Speaking of taking a knee, unemployed Colin Kneepernic has refocused his job prospects. He’s now looking to become a man of the cloth… you know, because of the whole spending more time on his knees than running around with the pigskin.

Note that today, June 12, is “National Loving Day,” and is ALSO, “National Jerky Day.” That sounds contradictory, for sure! But, maybe the contradiction simply neutralizes the net mood… hey, there’s Net Neutrality again!