Kdog’s Daily Report, 05/28/19

Good morning, weekend recoverers. Gotta go to work.

Road conditions are unremarkable… fog, rain, ice and snow were not factors on my drive through the Crestline metro area… however, temps hovered perilously close to freezing, so it’s very likely that even in other parts of Crestline, and surely at higher elevations, the temps could cause icy road conditions. So, use caution… or, depending on your demeanor, take advantage of the opportunity to git sideways with ease.

Rocks have been cleared from the roadways, and wind is static… we’re not likely to see much happen as far as breezes. Besides, right now the Midwest seems to have all the wind, mostly bundled up in tight funnel clouds that eat trailer parks. Whatever the case, we don’t seem to have much to worry about here.

I’ve been going sort of nuts lately. I can’t get the song, “Green Green Grass of Home” out of my head. I even went to the doctor, and told him about it. He said that it sounded like, “Tom Jones Syndrome.” I asked him if this was common… he replied, “It’s not unusual.”

Today is National Hamburger day. Okay… I have some problems with that. Is it because we’ll eat some re-heated, left-over-from-the-weekend burgers today? What the…?!? Seems to me that National Hamburger day ought to be on a weekend, especially a long weekend on which BBQ grills average much higher daily temps. Whatever. Also, I’m just not comfortable with the term, “hamburger.” Not just because there’s no ham in a hamburger, but because a ‘burger without cheese is like a kiss without a squeeze. Or something like that. I prefer the term, “cheeseburger,” since that’s really the only way that a ‘burger ought to be. Unless you have a doctor’s note, or are taking your BBQ intravenously, cheese needs to be part of the equation. Come to think of it, even intravenously, we can make it work: I have a blender, and beer would make a good thinner.

What happens in households where a family member is already named Alexa?

Okay, celebs have their quirks, and, I’ll confess, I don’t know a lot about some of the more “socialite” types. However, this headline caught my eye the other day: “Kim Kardashian Celebrates 5th Wedding Anniversary With Kanye West in Sexy Black Dress.” I totally can’t picture that. Dude might be unpredictable, but I would not have expected that.

So, this woman gave birth to identical twins, but decided to give them up for adoption. One was adopted by an Egyptian family, and named, “Amal.” The other was adopted by Spaniards, and was named, “Juan.”

Many years later, Juan sent a photo of himself to his birth mother. Upon receiving the picture, she said to her husband that she wished that she also had a picture of Amal. Her husband replied, “If you’ve seen Juan, you’ve seen Amal.”

I’m almost sure that’s a true story… I read it in the Internet, while I was studying for my French modeling license. Enjoy your Tuesday… and, look at it this way: You are almost certainly not going to hear any WORSE jokes today.