Kdog’s Daily Report, 03/22/19

Good morning, and welcome to another Friday… Friday, of course, being on my personal list of, “Top Three Favorite Days of the Week.”

Business first: We have fog, we have rain, and I’ll bet we have slippery roads. Now, in my part of Crestline, temps are hovering around the freezing range, but no ice had formed on the road. However, typically the temps get a little lower as you go higher up on the elevation numbers… giving rise to the assumption that if temps are a little lower than, “hovering around the freezing range,” and with the fog delivering billions of particles of cold cloud to the roadway surface, well, you get slippery roads. Be careful out there, as it’s a good recipe for black ice, white ice… maybe even Hispanic or Asian ice.

Fog isn’t BAD, but the moderate fog is found in great abundance. It’s patchy, and seems to gradually diminish in proportion to one’s elevation, but even as far as Lower Waterman Canyon Road’s exit, it persists.

But hey: there are no notable wind issues and rocks seem to be staying stubbornly static today!

Today is National Fragrance day. It’s the one day of the year when you can totally call out your car pool partner if they commit some fragrant violation.

It’s also National Countdown Day. I think they should have at least told us about this ten days ago. Or nine. Or eight. Or seven. Or six. Or five. Or four. Or three. Or two. Or one.

Annnnndddd… it’s National Near Miss Day. Now, I won’t pontificate regarding my eyeroll activity at the term, “near miss.” See, in my book, to nearly miss something means that you ALMOST missed it… and thus, must have collided with it. I guess it goes in the same category as, “I could care less,” or, “irregardless.” Oh well, irregardless, I won’t mention my thoughts on the matter, as I could care less.

Whatevs… National Near Miss day is in remembrance of an asteroid (like a hemorrhoid, but oddly, the word “hemorrhoid” does NOT start with the soft “as” sound) that passed within 500,000 miles of Earth in 1989. It was big enough (described with terms like, “as big as a mountain,” but I don’t know if that means a mountain the size of a walnut, or a mountain the size of one of Earth’s hemispheres) to have caused us some pretty serious problems, worldwide, had it smacked into our terra firma. Oh, and it was discovered a few days AFTER it had passed us… I guess we just saw the taillights, and probably didn’t even get a plate. So, it would have been quite a surprise. Lucky for us, it was only a “miss and run.”

I’ve got some important reading to do today… I glanced at a few headlines earlier, and will have to go back and read these important articles when time allows. Like, “How Meghan and Harry Will Parent, Based on their Zodiac Signs.” Or, “Why John Legend Eats Salad for Breakfast.” It’s important, too, that I learn from the article titled, “Here’s a State-by-State Look at which Consoles U.S. Gamers Prefer.” Man… I’ve been wondering about THAT forever. Shoot, I need to wrap up this column… I’m really anxious to get to reading, “Jameela Jamil Calls Khloe Kardashian ‘Irresponsible’ For Meal Replacement Shakes Post.” These fine pieces of literature are a daily reminder of how advanced our society has become, as we are able to take advantage of the vast resources of knowledge that the Internet has made available to us.

So, my brother gave me a call. He recently purchased an air fryer, which included directions on how to make certain things. He had a hankering for some spuds, so he looked up how to make baked potatoes using this device. However, the very first step made him very apprehensive about even trying: “Scrub your potatoes and prick all over with the tines of a fork.” Now he’s trying to give me the air fryer for free, but I am NOT falling for that. No way.

Have a great, wet, wintery weekend. We will meet again on Monday, when the ‘dog will produce yet another fine piece of Internet-worthy literature, to advance society’s already vast resources of knowledge further yet.