Kdog’s Daily Report, 03/07/19

Good morning, rough riders! We have more rain, more fog, and… drumroll… DRUMROLL…. BIGGER DRUMROLL... a giant sinkhole! Please note that because Kdog is working on portraying a more sophisticated front, there will not even be any “stinkhole” jokes today, because that would simply be tacky and juvenile.

Okay, this giant freakin’ hole is on Lake Drive, right in the middle of town. It’s across the street from Arrowhead Credit Union and the ol’ theatre. It’s directly in front of Dave’s Viking Auto Care, on that side of the road. Now, the road going in that direction (AWAY from the lake) is closed… and detoured on a side street (not to worry: this only adds about 300 feet and a couple of stop signs to your drive… shouldn’t be much of an impact since you’d otherwise be spending eight minutes in “patience therapy training” if you were still ON Lake Drive waiting for cars to turn left by Ace Hardware). Traffic going the other direction (i.e., TOWARDS the lake) is open, and they have a speed limit of 85 MPH. No, I made the speed limit part up just to make sure you were paying close attention. Please do not drive 85 MPH through this dangerous area, especially since there’s a great chance that the sinkhole might grow, extending out in any direction. When that happens, geez… It’ll make your stinkhole pucker. Dang it. I tried not to. I really did. Sort of. Maybe I need therapy.

See the article on www.MountainReporter.com for more info, and some pictures.

Rain and fog are factors today, too… the rain isn’t quite as heavy and sustained as yesterday’s, but you’ll still need the wipers time and again… at a minimum, time OR again. The fog is moderate, never worse than that, and very patchy. After you pass Upper Waterman Canyon Road’s exit as you descend, you shouldn’t be bothered by it again.

Rocks haven’t rolled today, at least not as far as I could see. Temps are not conducive to ice, snow, or reasons to scrape the windshield.

Today is National Cereal Day. Live Life and get your Kix now… Chex all the boxes on your bucket list. Noat that it’ll take grits to be a Total cereal killer; if you’re a Quaker, avoid em’ all. For nutritional reasons, I do not recommend the Frosted Puffed Blasted Blasting Blast Blaster Blast-O-Blast Fruitylicious Pebble Cake Red-Dye-Number-Two Cookie Crumble Wallclimber Toastie Blast Blaster Nitroglycerin Loopy No-Fiber Honey Charmed Extra-Gluten Nugget Puffed Sugar Balls… But, again in the name of nutrition, I do recommend, at least today, fortifying your breakfast with some Cap’n Crunch, instead of the usual Cap’n Morgan.

Okay, on to more random stuff: Koeniggseg is an auto manufacturer that started out just 25 years ago… and is now one of the most respected manufacturers of hypercars. (Hypercars are SO much more extreme than boring ol’ supercars like Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Maserati.) They’ve already held the record for fastest street legal car in the world… a few times. One of their cars recently clocked in at 284 MPH on a Nevada highway. (Not to fret: the road was a closed course that day. However, it does not escape me that if I were granted access to this device, my trip to Vegas would theoretically be less than an hour… IF I didn’t have to stop for gas eight times or so.) Anyway, this slovenly 284 MPH run will soon be forgotten, as the NEXT model, the Jesko (the owner/founder named it after his dad… it’s a family biz, and “Jesko” is an actual name for regular guys in Sweden) will top 300 MPH. No big whoop. It’ll come with 1600 hp right out of the box, but the box and contents will cost you a minimum of three million dollars. The Jesko, incidentally, will be a very unique car, in that it will be configured to meet street legal requirements for every nation in the world. So, yeah… street legal, even right here in California. My Vegas time just dropped even further. Well, as soon as I get my hands on another $2,999,760 (yeah… I’ve been saving up, in case you can’t tell).

Okay, I’ll see you all tomorrow. Friday falls on the last day of the workweek this time, and that’ll be tomorrow. So, uh… Cheerio!