Kdog’s Daily Report, 02/15/19

It’s finally Friday… just eight or ten more hours of pain therapy, and you can relax for a couple of days.

We’re getting a little break from the rain… at least, it’s not the deluge that we had yesterday. Rain is still present in short bursts here and there, but your wipers will get a break every now and then. In fact, down here on the flat parts, sections of freeway are even completely dry.

We do have fog on the mountain today. It’s not bad: Generally light, with a few patches of moderate thrown in just to keep you on your toes. It never gets heavy. This fog sort of thins as you descend the mountain, eventually resulting in fog-free clarity at around 2500 feet in elevation… a couple of miles before you reach 40th Street.

Rocks have all been gently ushered (By “gently ushered,” I mean that a 20-ton piece of equipment equipped with blades and lights and loud sounds rammed the ever-lovin’ crap out of any wayward rocks, and gave them no choice regarding where they sit) to the sidelines, and it doesn’t appear that any are trying to cross over into the traffic lanes at this time. The shoulders of the highway are still littered with new stuff, so use caution if you need to pull to the side for any reason, but the main lanes are very clear today.

We continue to get wind warnings and advisories and whatever, but breezes seemed static this morning. That means speeds of zero… I’m sure that the odds of that number increasing are high, but for now, it’s a no blow.

Temps in Crestline were mid-30s… no ice to be found along any part of my route. Higher elevations have probably got colder temps, and thus, a higher likelihood of ice… but for my route through Crestline, down Highways 138 and 18, and down, there was no ice on the road.