Daily Report, 01/18/19

Friday has arrived… finally.
While it’s ever so slightly cooler today than yesterday’s balm, we’re still nowhere near freezing thresholds below Sky Forest and Running Springs. It’s just wet down here… and not even as wet as yesterday, either. Overnight precipitation wasn’t voluminous, and some patches of road are even dry.

Higher altitudes are a different story. Rain continued sporadically throughout the night with small weather cells sprinkling the H2O all over the C3A1CO2 (thinking that might be the molecular code for asphalt, I better double check). Temperatures have not yet ridden above the ice production point as of 7:00 am either.

Anyway, this all combines to produce very icy roads at higher altitudes. A few accidents have been caused by ice this morning, use caution on the highways.

As of 7:00 am, there’s a three vehicle accident working on Highway 18 near Green Valley Lake Road above Arrowbear. Expect emergency crews to be on scene until 7:45 – 8:00 while they clear that up. Downbond lanes are blocked and traffic is backing up.
There’s some fog, but it’s never worse than moderate… certainly not heavy. As you descend, the fog will gradually thin, until you leave it all behind you at around the 4000 foot elevation.
Rocks could fall… but without the continuing rain, or the wind, they don’t present as much of a hazard. In addition, rockplows are still out there, pushing away whatever rocks might be getting a little bit out of line.

Also, last night there was a fatal vehicle versus pedestrian accident on the 330. If you saw anything, please call CHP at the local number (909) 867-2791 or the 24 hour dispatch number at (909) 428-5400. This was a hit and run accident and the suspect driver left the victim alone on the highway in lanes after the collision. CHP is actively seeking witnesses or anyone who saw anything. The story is on the front page of our website and here’s the tweet from CHP:

Such a sad situation. We will update the article when officials release more information. Condolences to the family of three victim from the Mountain Reporter staff.

That’s all, folks… see you on Monday.